Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSPAVIN, Margaret 
Birth1856, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland123128
Memo11 Jun 1940?
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 20 Jun 1940123128
Mrs. M. BurtonMrs. Margaret Burton, widow of Mr.John Burton, whose death occurred atCanowie Belt, on June 11, was born atEdinburgh, Scotland, in 1856, being adaughter of the late William and Margaret Spavin, and came with her parents to South Australia when she wastwo years old. She was married onAugust 26, 1875, to the late Mr. JohnBurton, at St. John's Church, Adelaide, by the Rev. Slaney Poole. For38 years they lived at Yatina. whereMr. Burton followed farming.Twenty-four years ago they went toCanowie Belt, where they took up land.Sons are: — Messrs. J. W. (Yatina), J.L. (Jamestown), H. E. (Adelaide), E.C., A. P., and C. S. (Canowie Belt), anddaughters, Mesdames D. J. Jamieson(Jamestown), A. T. Haggar (Hallett),Misses E. L. and C. P. Burton (Canowie Belt). The late Mrs. G. Haggar(Hallett) was a daughter. There are19 grandchildren.