Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePABST, Oriel Annie L 
Death1958 Age: 78
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Thu 12 Jun 1913126721
CUST v CUST.Oriel Australia Cust (formerly Pabst) mar-ried James Cust on May 24, 1901, at thePresbyterian Manse, Newtown. She suedfor divorce on the grounds of habitualdrunkenness, cruelty, and failure to support.His Honor made a decree nisi on the groundsof drunkenness and failure to support. Mr.Whitfeld appeared for petitioner.
Death1926 Age: 55
Marriage24 May 1901, Presbyterian Manse, Newtown, NSW126720,126721
Divorce1913, Sydney, NSW126721
Birth21 May 1889, Junee, NSW126722
Death19 Dec 1969, Wagga Wagga, NSW Age: 80
Marriage24 Jan 1914, Manly, NSW126723