Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKELLY, Ethelinda 
Birth19 Sep 1880, Yerong Creek, NSW
Death14 Sep 1918, Deniliquin, NSW129331 Age: 37
Echuca and Moama Advertiser and Farmers' Gazette (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Thu 19 Sep 1918129331
CHILL AFTER DANCING.—Mrs. J. C.Stewart, of the Bank of New SouthWales, Deniliquin, and formerly ofMoama, died on Saturday after an ill-ness of only a few days, from pneumonia,and was interred on Monday. Deceased,who was an enthusiastic worker for allpatriotic efforts, participated in a fancyball last week, promoted by the patrioticleague, of which she was vice-president.A severe chill after dancing resulted inpneumonia, from which it was hoped shewould recover, but the heart was unableto withstand the strain, and the endcame quickly. The deceased lady wasuniversally respected, and her death hadan unusually marked effect on the Deni-liquin townspeople, who heartily sympa-thise with the bereaved husband and histhree children.
Marriage1907, Germanton, NSW129332