Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameNADIN, Isobel Winifred 
Birth1876, Bega, NSW
Death12 Aug 1946, Culcairn, NSW129327 Age: 70
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Thu 15 Aug 1946129327
MRS. I. W. KELLYThe funeral of Mrs Isobel Win-ifred Kelly, who died at her homein Balfour-street, Culcairn, onMonday morning, at the age of 70years, took place at Culcairn onTuesday afternoon, the cortege mov-ing from the Catholic Church aftera short service by the Rev. FatherGallagher. Interment took place inthe Catholic portion of the Culcairncemetery, where the Rev. FatherGallagher again officiated. Thecasket was carried by Messrs. JamesKelly (son), W. J. Conley, F. Cren-na, M. Baz, T. Lacey and J. Papworth.The funeral arrangementswere conducted by Mr. J. S. Gamble,of Culcairn.
Birth4 May 1873, Truro, SA
Death27 Apr 1945, Culcairn, NSW129326 Age: 71