Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameJARICK, Gustav Adolph 
BurialMonumental Cemetery, Wagga Wagga, NSW85977
Wagga Wagga Express (NSW : 1930 - 1939) Sat 4 Mar 193985978
MR. G. A. JARICKThe death took place on Tuesdayevening of Mr. Gustav Adolph Jar-ick. 73 years, of Trevor Street,Wagga. He was born at Peter'sHill, South Australia in 1866, and in1870 with his parents, he settled atBethel, near Albury. In 1890 be married Mary Elizabeth Manglesdorf,and later he moved to Yerong Creekwhere he engaged in share-farmingfor several years. He later tookup land at The Rock, where he farm-ed successfully until 1927 when heretired and came to reside in Wagga.He is survived by his widow, fourdaughters, Mrs. E. Quinn, and Mrs. F.Gollasch of Wagga, Mrs S. JarrattMilbrulong, and Mrs Shoemark ofWagga; four sons, Messsrs H. O., R.C. and H. E. Jarick of Wagga andMr. A. W. Jarick, The Rock; and onebrother, Mr. William Jarick, of TheRock. There are 23 grandchildrenand one great grandchild. Intermenttook place in the Lutheran portionof the Wagga cemetery on Wednesday.
Death17 Sep 1953, Wagga Wagga, NSW85974 Age: 86
BurialMonumental Cemetery, Wagga Wagga, NSW85974
Marriage28 Aug 1890, Yerong Creek, NSW85976