Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSEIDEL, Johann Carl 
Birth29 Jan 1836, Treppeln, Brandenburg, Prussia2962,15047
Immigration8 Aug 1854, ‘Wandrahm'15047,675 Age: 18
The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929) Wed 17 Sep 192415048
OBITUARY.Mr. Johann Carl Seidel, who died atTanunda on September 4, in his eightyninth year, was a colonist of more than70 years. He was widely esteemed amonga large circle of friends. The deceasedwas one of the best types of the lawabiding and industrious.pioneers who havehelped to foster the agricultural development of the State. He was born atTreppel, Brandenburg, Germany in 1836.In 1854, at the age of 18 years, youngSeidel left Europe with his parents forAustralia, and began farming operationsat Tarnma (formerly known as Friedrich-swalde). Later he started farming atDimchurch (formerly knows.as Neukirch),near Stockwell, and subsequently also tooka keen interest in gardening, at which heachieved great success. He was the firstpioneer in the Neukirch locality to undertake the planting of vines on a commercial scale, and lived to see the tremendousdevelopment of this great Australian industry; After a. long, useful, and successful business career, Mr. Seidel retired,about 15 years ago, and. chose the beautyful town of Tanunda as his home. Hewas a loyal adherent and supporter of thechurch, and was highly respected by allwho had business dealings with him. Awidow, four sons, and two daughters, besides many grandchildren survive. Thesons and daughters are Messrs. J. A.Seidel (Loxton), H. Seidel (Victoria), G.Seidel (Victoria), and W. Seidel (Dimchurch, S.A.), and Mrs. G. Schrapel(Tanunda), and Nurse Seidel (Tanunda).
BurialPilgrim Lutheran Cemetery, Neukirch, SA15047,14444
Marriage26 Apr 1860, Bethany, SA15050
Immigration15 Dec 1850, ‘Australia’15047,3267 Age: 8
Marriage18 Apr 1865, Neukirch, SA15047