Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKRIEG, Hannah Augusta 
MemoLyndoch, SA
Daily Herald (Adelaide, SA : 1910 - 1924) Wed 17 Apr 191215473
One cf our oldest and most respectedresidents (Mrs. H. A.Beelitz) died suddenly at Lameroo hospital on Sundaymorning, following an operation (writesour Parrakie correspondent). She wasthe wife of Mr. J. A. Beelitz, and wasCouncillor Beelitz'e mother. She left agrown-up family of seven daughters andthree sons. The deceased lady was of acheerful disposition, and she will begreatly missed by alL Until a fewyears ago they lived at Freeling.
Marriage20 Aug 1875, Lyndoch, SA15471