Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePAECH, Friedrich Wilhelm 
Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931) Sat 2 Jan 190920073
Obituaries of the Week.Mr. Friedrich Wilhelm Paech.Mr. Friedrich Wilhelm Paech, one of themembers for the District of Wooroora inthe House of Assembly, died on Tuesdaymorning at the North Adelaide privatehospital. The deceased legislator, whohad been in failing health for several months, was early in the recent session granted leave of absencefrom his legislative duties on the groundsof ill-health. Mr. Paech was born nearHahndorf, on October 3, 1861, and was edu-cated at Hahndorf College. He lost hisparents at an early age, and went to liveon his uncle's farm at Ravenswood, nearBalhannah. Some years later he startedfarming on his own account. He waselected a member of the District Council ofEchunga at the age of 22 years, and wasCouncillor for nine years, during the lastseven of which he was Chairman. Hethen retired, and declined a requisition,signed by a majority of the electors, tostand again. He was appointed a justiceof the peace by Dr. Cockburn's Govern-went while he was still very young. Healways exhibited an interest in politicalmatters, and contested an election atMount Barker in 1893, but was defeated byDr. Cockburn, He was not daunted, however, and in 1894 he unsuccessfully soughtthe suffrage of the electors in the Districtof Light. He was defeated by Mr. D. JMoody, but entered the House of Assemblyas one of the members for that constitu-ency in 1899. At the last general elections he was returned as one of the mem-bers for Wooroora, the District of Lighthaving been merged into that division.For several years he acted as auditor forthe District Council of Neales, and was anenergetic supporter of country institutes.He was largely responsible for the openingof five first-class institutes in various places.He was in the front rank as a rifle shot.He took an active interest in the promotionof the agricultural industry, and was President of the Eudunda Agricultural Society. All public matters affecting thattown and the district which he represented so faithfully were ever in his thoughts.Mr. Paech was one of the most popularmembers of the Legislature, and was recognised as a loyal party man and a generous and courageous opponent.The remains of the late Mr. F. W.Paech, M.P., were conveyed to Eudundaliy the Morgan train on Wednesday. Allthe Ministers excepting the Minister for(Water Supply (Hon. J. G. Bice) were present at the station, and saw the coffinplaced on the van. The Premier (Hon. T.Price), on behalf of the Government, con-soled with the widow and a brother ofthe deceased, who were accompanying theremains to Eudunda. The Speaker of theHouse of Assembly (Sir Jenkin Coles), withthe Clerk of the House (Mr. J. C. Mor-phett), also went on to Euduuda to ba present at the funeral of his late colleague,and Mr. David James, the other representative of Wooroora, joined the train atKapunda. Our Eudunda correspondenttelegraphed on Wednesday evening:—Thefuneral was largely attended. There were60 vehicles and horsemen. An address inGerman was given at the Royal Hotel andin English at the grave by Pastor Nickel.(The pallbearers were Messrs. Krummel,Nickolls, Pollard, August and CharlesPffeiffer, and Nicholson. Business was suspended, and the whole district was represented at the funeral.
Birth6 Oct 1862, Hope Valley, SA20074
Death11 Apr 1919, Royston Park, SA9558 Age: 56
Marriage14 Sep 1891, Hope Valley, SA20075