Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHAMMERLING, Johanne Louise 
Immigration3 Sep 1855, ‘La Rochelle’1472 Age: 9
Death3 Feb 1929, Memorial Hospital, Peterborough, SA13847,21151,21152 Age: 83
Burial4 Feb 1929, Farrell Flat, SA21151
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Tue 5 Feb 1929
21152 The death occurred at the Memorial
Hospital, Peterborough, on Sunday
morning of an old co
lonist, Mrs. W. G.Steinke, lately Mrs. Przibilla, of Far-rell's Flat. She was born in Ger-many 83 years ago, and came to thisState with her parents when she waseight years of age. Her parents settledat Tanunda and took up land. Whenshe was nineteen years of age she mar-ried Mr. J. G. Przibilla, and in 1875,when the northern areas were thrownopen for selection, she and her hus-band removed in that year to residenear Yoogala. Her husband died in1902, and the next year Mrs. Przibillawent to Farrell's Flat to reside, and shetook up land there and her son workedit for her. She was married to Mr.W. G. Steinke in 1917, and Mr. Steinkedied in 1919. Mrs. Steinke leaves afamily of eight sons and four daugh-ters, namely, Messrs J. Przibilla, of Far-reIl's Flat; Harry Przibilla, of Gawler;Charles Przibilla, of Leighton: JohnPrzibilla, of Farrell's Flat: Heinrichprzbilla, of Jamestown; Martin Przibilla,of Riverton; Otto Przibilla, of WallaWalla, New South Wales; and EdwardPrzibilla, of Clare; and Mesdames W.C. McDonald, of Adelaide; A. J. Wright,of Peterborough; A. A. Bradecke, ofMelbourne; and S. Handorff, of BurumButtock, New South Wales.
Burial9 May 1902, Farrell Flat, SA21150
Marriage11 Jan 1866, Light Pass, SA5009,21153
Death1917, SA21154 Age: 74