Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMATSCHKA, Maria 
Birth1853, London, England2600
Death1926, Geelong West, Vic21745 Age: 73
Burial26 Nov 1926, Western Public Cemetery, Geelong, Vic6061,21746
Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929) Fri 3 Dec 1926
The many friends of the late Mrs. Mary
Jakobi, widow of the late Mr. Gustav
Jakobi, regrett
ed to hear of her death,which took place at the residence of herdaughter, Mrs. M. J. Denno, of AutumnStreet, Geelong West, on Thursday. Thefuneral took place on Friday afternoon,when the remains were laid to rest in theindependent portion of the New GeneralCemetery with those of her late husbandwho pre-deceased her thirteen months agoThe tuneral moved from the residence ofher daughter. Autumn Street, and the est-eem which the deceased lady was heldwas evidenced by the large number whoattended to pay this last tribute of lrespect.The glass motor hearse and twosaloon motor coaches were followed by tenprivate motor cars and several other con-veyances. The oaken casket, silver mount-ed, was borne to the grave by Messrs.Bernhard Jakobi, Gus Jakobi, Edward Jakobiand Walter Jakobi (sons of deceased).The pail bearers were Messrs. M. J. Den-no W. Bodger, W. Jakobi, S. Denno, F.Dyson, A. Hausler, A. Schultz, H. Denno.Wreaths were sent by Mr. and Mrs. Hausler,Mr. and Ms. Schache, Miss Schache,Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, Mr. and Mrs. H.Denno (senr.), Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc-Courtney and family and numerous others.The service at the house and grave sidewas most impressively conducted by theRev. Hoffman of Grovedale, and the funeralarrangements were in the hands ofMessrs. W. H. King and Wellington ofRyrie Stiect (motor service).
Birth11 Apr 1849, Adelaide, SA8172
Death1925, Geelong, Vic21744 Age: 75
Burial13 Oct 1925, Western Public Cemetery, Geelong, Vic6061