Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKLINGE, Johanna Lydia 
Birth26 Sep 1873, Wodonga, Vic25531
Gilgandra Weekly (NSW : 1942 - 1955) Thu 31 Jan 1946
The death occurred suddenly
on Thursday morning last of
Mrs. Johanna Lydia Semmler,widow of the late G. A.Semmler, at the age of 72 years.On that day many friends andrelatives had asembled at deceas-ed's home, "Kiewa," Bearbong,and were preparing for a picnicthat afternoon. Mrs. Semmler.had enjoyed a good breakfastand was quite cheerful. Althoughnot actually going to the picnicherself, Mrs. Semmler was keen-ly interested in the preparations.She was noticed to sway, anda protecting arm was quicklyextended, preventing a fall. Onbeing taken inside it was foundshe had passed away.The late Mrs. Semmlelr wasbom at Wodonga. where sheresided until her marriage withthe late Mr. G. A. Semmler.They then moved to Temora andin 1907 came to Gilgandra andsettled down at "Kiewa' at .thebeginning of 1908. In the inter-vening years the family becamewidely known and respected, andneighbours and friends were a!-ways assured of a hearty wel-come 0n visiting the homestead.In the early days of Gilgandra,when the town boasted a F. andS. Carnival instead of an annualShow, the deceased took an ac-tive part in public affairs, as herlate husband was a staunch sup-porter of the carnival, and sub-sequently the show. However,on the whole, deceased devotedher life to her home and family.Deceased is survived by thefollowing family: Mr. E. E.Seimmler (Morahmee, Gilgandra),Mr. Desmond Clarence Semmler("Kiewa" recently dischargedfrom the AIF), Mr. Ron Sem-mler ("Elmore" and Mrs. G.Rouse ("Yarrandale," BeairbongRoad).Mrs Hanckel, Womboyne Street.Gilgandra, is a sister. A sisterand brothsr reside at Albury.The funeral on. Fridäy morn-ing was largely attended. A ser-vice was conducted at the Luth-eran Church by. Rev. Echermaun(Forbes), who also officated atthe graveside in the. Lutheranportion of the Gilgandra cemet=ery.Funeral arrangements were car-ried out by Mr. A.. H. Ross.
Birth28 Sep 1870, South Rhine, SA25533