Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameROWE, Dorcas Slemen 
Death1 Feb 1924, West Mitcham, SA26906 Age: 86
Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940) Fri 11 Apr 1924
26906 IN M E M O R I A M .
Mrs. Dorcas Tremelling was born at
Ivingscote, Kangaroo Island, in the
year 1838. Her birth took place in
the middle one of three historic houses
known as Faith, Hope, and Ch
arity.She was the j r oungest of four childrenborn to Mr. and Mrs. James ButtressRowe, who had arrived from Englandin the ship South Australia in1837. During our late sister's girlhoodthe family removed to DryCreek. Here she married and livedfor a number of years, but her husband,Robert Walkley, dying early inmarried life, left her with two children.Fourteen years later she marriedMr. John Tremelling and came tolive in West Mitcham, but after anumber of years of happiness she wasagain left a widow.Mrs. Tremelling died suddenly ather residence, George Street, MitchamWest, on Friday morning, February 1,leaving one daughter, Amy Walkley,and one grand-daughter, RobertaWalkley. Her passing was swift andbeautiful—in a moment she entered tothe joyful presence of her Master. Thepeacefulness of her death was a fitconsummation of a life fruitful in allspiritual grace. The word of God wasalways her companion, the sacred pagewas ever open. Thus would she meditateday and night. Despite her advancedage her hands were never idle,her needle being constantly employedfor the needy poor of the variousMissions of Methodism. Her task onthe eve of her death was one such asthese. The spirit of the Dorcas whoministered to the needs of the poorwidows of the Apostolic Church passedinto our late sister without diminutionof glory. But now the tasks sheloved are laid aside; she rests inblessedness."Now the labourer's task is o'er,Now the battle day is past;Now upon the further shoreLands the voyager at last.Father, in Thy gracious keeping,Leave we now Thy servant sleeping."
Birth18 Aug 1844, Nailsworth, SA26907
Death1869, SA26908 Age: 24