Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameUNGER, Johann Herman 
Birth28 Jan 1856, Blumberg, SA18497
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 12 Jun 194130167
Mr. J. H. UngerMr. Johann Herman Unger, who
died aged 85, at Moorak recently, firstcame to the Mount Gambier districtwith his parents when three years ofage, and. spent the remainder of his.life in farming pursuits at The Springsand Square Mile. He was bom atBloomsburg, and was a son of the lateMr. and Mrs. Frederick Unger.
Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Tue 20 May 194130168
The death occurred on Thursday,April 24, at Moorak, of Mr. JohannHerman Unger after an illness ofabout a fortnight.Mr. Unger came to this districtwhen he was but three years old. andtook up farming at the The Springs andSquare Mile. During the latter pastof his life he lived with Mr. and MrsA. G. Unger, of Moorak. He waspossessed of a wonderful memory andgood eyesight, and was well known forhis good advice which was freelygiven to many.Mr. Unger had never before beenill. Deceased was born at Bloom-burg, near Adelaide, on January 28.and was 85 years of age at the time ofhis demise. He was a son of thelate Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Unger.Mr. Unger was unmarried, and two[brothers and one sister predeceasedhim, They were the late EdwardUnger, of Square Mile, GustavUnger, of The Springs, and the lateMrs. F. Sudholz, of Mount Gambier,Two sisters survive , Mrs C. Gaden,of Mount Gambier: and Mrs F.Prygoda (Bertha), of Adelaide.The Funeral was conducted atMount Gambier on Anzac Day ( April25),Rev. E. Sprengel performing thelast rites. Mortuary arrangementswere in the hands of Mr. W. Pearce