Leader (Orange, NSW : 1912 - 1922) Wednesday 21 January 1920
The second pioneer of the Spring
Hill district to pass away within a
few days was Mr. Arthur
Moad, se-
nior, who died shortly after 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, his end coming
after a very short and painful illness,
in his 79th year. Mr.
Moad was a nat-
ive of Shetland Islands, and came to
this State with his father when a lad
of 15. After visiting various mining
fields they came to Lucknow, and 52
years ago the subject of this notice
settled on the land at Spring Hill,
where, by dint of application, energy
and perseverance, be established him-
self as one of the most prosperous
farmers and orchardists of the Or-
ange district. He gave his whole at-
tention to rural pursuits, apart
from which the principal matter
which interested him most was the
advancement of Methodism. For over
50 years he was a church officer and
Sunday School superintendent, and
in religious circles, as in private life,
he was respected for his probity and
sincerity. A few months ago he re-
tired and came to live in town, the
evidences of debility being upon him,
but his last illness was only of a few
days' duration. He leaves a widow,
six years his junior, who, by the
way, is a native of Bathurst, and of
fifteen children born to them eleven
survive. One (Frank) died at the
front, and the other three in infancy.
Those who are left with their mother
to mourn an ideal husband and father
are Arthur (Blayney), William (Mill-
thorpe), Mrs. W. Parker (Blayney),
James (Millthorpe), Mrs. A. Downy
(Maryvale), Robert (Gilgandra), Mrs.
E. Robards (Orange), Mrs. S. Wear-
ing (Junee), Miss Ada (Orange), Tho-
mas T. (Spring Hill), Raymond (late
A.I.F, Spring Hill), Frank (deceased,
killed at the front). The deceased
also leaves two sisters, viz., Mrs. C.
Glasson (New Zealand, and late of
Molong), and Mrs. J. Pearce (Mill-
The funeral is appointed to leave
his late residence, Kite-street, at 5
o'clock this afternoon, for the Meth-
odist portion of the Orange cemetery,
Mr. Frank Ford having charge of the
Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954) Thursday 22 January 1920
470One of the pioneers of tho
Spring Hilldistrict, in the person of Mr. Arthur
Moad, died on Tuesday evening at the
age of 79 years. He was a native of the
Shetland Isles, and came to this State
when a lad of 15. He is survived by a
wife and 11 children. One of the sons
being Mr, William
Moade, who for
a number years resided at Bodan-
gora, but who is now at Millthorpe.
Leader (Orange, NSW : 1912 - 1922) Friday 13 September 1918
There was a gathering of the clan
at Little Springs, the residence of Mr.
A. Moad, senr., on the 25th and 26th
August last, the occasion being the
celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Moad's
golden wedding. With the exception
of Private Ray Moad, who is on active
service in France, all the surviving
sons and daughters with their families
gathered to celebrate the event. Mr.
and Mrs. Moad were married at
"Trolver," Emu Swamp, in the Orange
district, on August 25th, 1868, and
shortly afterwards purchased and
took up their residence at "Little
Springs," Spring Hill, where they still
reside. The 50th anniversary, falling
on Sunday, was quietly observed,
only members of the family being
present. At luncheon Mr. and Mrs.
Moad received presentations from
their children and grandchildren, all
the grandchildren, twenty-five in
number, being present. On Monday
other relatives assembled and all
were entertained at wedding break-
fast. The bridesmaid of 50 years ago,
Mrs. Pearce (Millthorpe) was present.
The Rev. P. O. Davis presided and
proposed the toasts: "The King" and
the "Bride and Bridegroom." Mrs.
Rowan proposed the bridesmaid (Mrs.
Pearce responded) and Mr. C. Brown,
the absent member, Private Ray
The sons present were. Mr. Arthur
Moad (Blayney), Mr. W. W. Moad
(Bodangara), Mr. J. Moad (Mill-
thorpe), Mr. R. Moad (Gilgandra),
and Mr. T. Moad (Spring Hill); the
daughters, Mrs. W. A. Parker (Nor-
ton), Mrs. A. Downey (Maryvale), Mrs
Robards (Sydney), Mrs. Wearing
(Junee), and Miss A. E. Moad (Lit-
tle Springs). The youngest member
of the family, the late Francis Corn-
wall Moad, made the supreme sacri-
fice in France nearly two years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Moad were the re-
cipients of numerous congratulations
from their many friends, who hope
they will live to celebrate their
diamond wedding.