Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLEHMANN, Christian Heinrich
, GGG Uncle
Birth24 Jul 1851, Hoffnungsthal, SA704,63,705
Christen12 Aug 1851, Hoffnungsthal, SA705 Age: <1
Death23 Jul 1932, Kensington, SA121,123,706 Age: 80
Memohome of daughter, Wilhelmina
Burial25 Jul 1932, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA123,425,706
MemoSection: Road 1 South-Path Number: 4-E/W/-Count: E-Site Number: 62
OccupationHarness Maker, Saddler123
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 11 Aug 1932706
Death of Mr. C. H. LehmannMr. Christian Heinricli Lehmann,who died recently at the residence ofhis daughter, Mrs. Carl Heyne, Ken-sington, was born at Tanuuda in 1852.When 24 years of age he married MissAnna Weber, of Adelaide, who diedsome years later, and in 1887 he mar-ried Miss Dorothea Weber, a sister ofhis first wife. For a number of yearsdeceased was a saddler at Waterlooand Eudunda before going into busi-ness in Adelaide. Being keenly inter-ested in politics and a fluent speaker,he made many friends in the State,and at one time took the platform onbehalf of the Liberal Democratic Un-ion. For a number of years he tooka prominent part in welfare work ofthe Missouri Lutheran Church in Ade-laide, where he was an Elder and layreader. His health failed since 1917,when the death in France of his sonLeslie, closely followed by that of bisbeloved wife, proved too much for him.One son, seven daughters, 30 grand-children and 8 great-grandchildren sur-vive him. Rev. Zanzaw administeredthe last rites at the funeral in WestTerrace cemetery on July 25. Airs.Mattner, of Nain, is a sister, and Mr.Wilhelm Lehmann (Vine Vale) is abrother.
Birth8 Aug 1852, Hutt St, Adelaide, SA
Memoage at marriage 25
Death7 Dec 1886123 Age: 34
Memo12 Dec?
Burial8 Dec 1886, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA123,425
MemoSection: Road 1 South-Path Number: 10-E/W/-Count: E-Site Number: 1
Marriage18 Oct 1877, Ev Lutheran Church, Adelaide, SA707
Memoage at marriage 30
Death6 May 1917, Rose Park, SA123 Age: 61
Burial8 May 1917, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA425
MemoSection: Road 1 South-Path Number: 4-E/W/-Count: E-Site Number: 62
Marriage3 Sep 1887, Adelaide, SA709
Marr MemoResidence of Martin Weber