501. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, M 10630/1931.
502. Pam Drake, “Burials in Cornwall,”, 27 Aug 2003.
503. “St Martin in Meneage - Marriages 1571 to1812,”, 17 Aug 2003.
504. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 162 157.
505. “Winter Leslie Winzor,”, 14 May 2020.
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506. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Yan 113 5.
507. “Isabella Winzor,”, 14 May 2020.
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508. “South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.” vol 203 p 872.
509. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Pt A 203/872.
510. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 709 289.
511. “Myra Winzor,”, 14 May 2020.
512. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 778/411.
513. “Edna Mary Winzor,”, 14 May 2020.
514. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 849/434.
515. “Stewart Winzor,”, 6 Nov 2020.
516. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Hin 891/284.
517. “Frances Catherine Winzor,”, 6 Nov 2020.
518. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Nor 365/656.
519. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 742 90.
520. “Alice Isobel Winzor Day,”, 14 May 2020.
521. “Garfield Angus Day,”, 14 May 2020.
522. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 758/66.
523. “Family of Garfield Angas DAY and Alice Maud WINZOR,”, 19 Jan 2006.
524. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” PtA 323/409.
525. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4 p 1733.
526. “South Australian Deaths 1896-1906,” Fiche, vol 304 p 260.
527. “John Winzor,”, 2 Sep 2017.
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528. “The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Thu 1 Sep 1904,”, 2 Sep 2017.
529. “Mary Ann Winzor,”, 2 Sep 2017.
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530. “Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 21 Apr 1923,”, 2 Sep 2017.
531. “South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.” vol 51 p 249.
532. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch 2260018.
533. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 1, p 489.
534. “Burbage, Wiltshire,”, 6 Nov 2006.
535. “Aldinga Cemetery,”, 13 Jan 2009.
536. Kathy Irving, “George Lovelock grave,” 28 Apr 2011.

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537. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 1, p489.
538. “Prince Regent,”, 10 Mar 2002.
539. Family History SA, “South Australian Passenger Lists,”, 20 Jun 2016.
540. E.A.D. Opie, South Australian Records Prior to 1841, 1917 (facsimile edition 1981).
541. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 1, p 490.
542. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch 0960528.
544. “Prince Regent,”, 10 Mar 2002, 25 Sep 1839.
545. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch 2260083.
546. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 45 496.
547. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Nor 376/84.
548. “Albert A Winzor,”, 6 Nov 2020.
File: Source 5654 Media.jpg
549. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4 p 495, 1733.
550. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 516/458.
551. “Ada Winzor,”, 6 Nov 2020.
File: Source 5654 Media.jpg
552. “South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.” vol 155 p 747.
553. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 155/747.
554. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 74 206.
555. “Wilfred J Winzor,”, 6 Nov 2020.
556. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 115 394.
557. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 1, p 104.
558. “Louisa Burdett,”, 7 Nov 2020.
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559. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 90/53.
560. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 378/409.
561. “John George Burdett,”, 7 Nov 2020.
File: Source 5668 Media.jpg
562. “South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.” vol 178 p 1294.
563. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Nor 178/1294.
564. “South Australian Deaths 1863-77,” Fiche, vol 56 p 35.
565. “South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Sat 28 Feb 1874,”, 2 Sep 2017.
566. “John Winzor,”, 2 Sep 2017.
File: Source 4246 Media.jpg
567. “South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1868 - 1881) Sat 1 Feb 1874,”, 2 Sep 2017.
568. “The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889) Sat 14 Feb 1874,”, 2 Sep 2017.
569. “Local History Resource,”*Ref%204/96, City Of Salisbury Library, 55 John St, Salisbury, 24 April 2008.
570. Graham Jauney, “South Australia 1841 census,”, 17 Mar 2001.
571. “South Australian Deaths 1863-77,” Fiche, vol 15 p 78.
572. “Harriett Winzor,”, 2 Sep 2017.
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573. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” ade 56/60.
574. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 56/60.
575. Christopher Hewson, “Births, Marriages and Deaths, South Australia, Deaths 1842-1972,”, 7 Nov 2017.
577. “South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.” vol 23 p 85.
578. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 23/85.
579. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4 p 1576.
580. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade S 341/306.
581. “Harriet Ann Taplin,”, 6 Nov 2020.
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582. “Some Taplin history.,”, 13 May 2020.
Salisbury. In the Anglican cemetery John Winzor Taplin. Born 1872. Died in 1920. A child of William and Harriet Taplin of Salisbury.

Some Taplin history.
Great great great grand father.
Charles James Blatch Taplin arrived in SA on 27 July 1849 on the Elizabeth which sailed from London. He was born in 1810 in Andover or elsewhere in Hampshire and his family came from the Guernsey Islands. He arrived with his wife Eliza( 1813- 1891). She was Eliza Lansley (Rixson) married on 27 Nov 1834 at St Bride's Church, Fleet St, London. Eliza was a spinster at time of marriage.
He opened his first private school at Brighton in 1850. In the mid-1850s he seems to have taken up a town block and built a residence in Salisbury. By 1856 he had a private school for boys in Salisbury. By 1857 he had 80 boys enrolled. This was St Johns Church of England School. His wife Eliza ran a school for girls from 1858 after continued this after he died in 1866. He was the first registered school teacher at Salisbury from 1855-1866 until he died in 1866. Charles James Blatch was Treasurer of the Anglican Church when the foundation stone of St John’s was laid in 1858 with architect Daniel Garlick being present. The church did not open for services until 1865 a year before he died. He was active in town affairs as well as the Anglican Church. Charles died 14 March 1866. Eliza taught from 1863-1867 at her girl’s school in Salisbury. Eliza died 23 May at her home in Woodville 1891, aged 78 and she was born in 1813 and was three years younger than Charles Taplin. Charles and Eliza are both buried in St John’s Anglican cemetery in Salisbury. When Charles Taplin died his son Charles Goodenough Taplin advertised both schools for sale but it is not clear if he got a buyer. Charles Goodenough Taplin in May 1866 applied to have the two schools registered to himself and this was approved by the central education board on 12 May 1866. C G Taplin appears to have been the Executor of Charles James Blatch Taplin’s will.
Charles and Eliza Taplin only appear to have had two sons: William Taplin born in 1835 and Charles Goodenough Taplin born in 1841. Therefore this is a little surprising that his younger son became the executor of his will. But William was the non-academic son who became a farmer and Charles Goodenough went on to train and become an Anglican minister by 1867. Charles G Taplin became the secretary of the Salisbury Institute in 1867. He was preaching at Auburn by 1866 in the Anglican Church. Charles Goodenough Taplin of Salisbury married Louisa Lambert on 18 sept 1867 in Auburn. A baby son born to the Taplins at Macclesfield in November 1868. He was the Reverend C G Taplin at Echunga in 1870 and he attended social functions at Government House as an Anglican minister. Another son born 24 January at Echunga in 1871 to the Taplins. In 1872 he is rector at Wallaroo and he stayed in the Cornish triangle for many years. On 7th April 1876 a daughter born at Wallaroo. Baby Mabel their only daughter died at Wallaroo in December 1877 at 20 months of age. On the 27th October of 1880 another daughter was born at Wallaroo but baby Gertrude also died early on Christmas Day 1882. She would have been 14 months old. By June 1885 Reverend Taplin is rector at St Margaret’s Church Woodville. Then on the 4th January 1886 another son born. A few months later the Charles Taplin family is moved to Port Lincoln and in June 1886 he is the Anglican minister at St Thomas Anglican Church Port Lincoln. Just over a year later Reverend Charles Taplin took on overdose of opium which he was taking to help him sleep and to calm his nerves. He
committed suicide on Saturday 24th July 1887 at Port Lincoln. He was 46 years old. Presumably his wife and four young sons returned to Adelaide and they would have been 19 years, 16 years, and just 19 months old.
Great great grandfather.
Charles and Eliza Taplin’s other son William Taplin born in 1835 is my great great grand father. There is a strong possibility that he fathered an illegitimate daughter around 1856 before his marriage to Harriet Winzor in 1860. The Winzors of Deal Court, a two storey significant house in the Salisbury area in the 1850s, arrived in SA with money and resources so William Taplin’s marriage to Harriet Winzor was a fortuitous step in his life. As early as 1863 his father-in-law John Winzor was advertising that he had money to lend over a seven year term from £1—to £2,000. This was a very large sum when an 80 acre farm could be purchased for less than £100. John Winzor (1807 to 1874) held land at Salisbury for his dairy and 1,160 acres at Grace Plains which he purchased for just under £1,200 in March 1857 which was next to Mallala when it developed.( sections 62,63,71,72,77,78 etc.
William Taplin and Harriet who married in St Johns Anglican Church Salisbury on 7th July 18690 had four children:
•Alice a daughter who only lived from 1863 to 1865. She is buried in her parents’ grave in Salisbury.
•Lillies Eliza Taplin born on the 29th June 1866 at Sheoak Log near Gawler. She is my great grandmother who died at Enfield on the 5th Feb 1956. I remember visiting her before her death with a grand piano and bookshelves of books in her living room. She was very petite. She married Robert Edwin Argent of Peachey Belt in Zoar Bible Christian Church on 23 March 1887.
•Charles James Blatch Taplin a son born 19 October 1868 at Grace Plains. This son of William and Harriet Taplin married at the Wesleyan Church in Redruth Burra Miss Edithe Thirza Rabbich of Scotland on the 27th July 1893. Charles James Blatch Taplin lived in Burra for most of his married life. He died at Westbourne Park on the 9th May 1940.
•John Winzor Taplin 29 December 1872 at Grace Plains. Lived to 10th January 1920, (a son of William) married Laura Skurray of Gawler/Williamstown 4 Sept 1897. He died just 23 years later and was buried next to his parents in St John’s cemetery Salisbury in 1920. J. W Taplin like his father was an excellent rifle shot and competed for many years firstly in Port Adelaide Rifle Club in 1911 and then East Torrens Rifle Club and eventually the Adelaide Rifle Club in 1917. He was born at Winzor Park Grace Plains. He was an engineer and lived in Harcourt Rd Payneham. This son William Arthur Taplin married Gladys Fielder of Torrensville on 11th November 1920 in the Holder Memorial Church Mile End. He died at Eton Park a district of Payneham.
•Harriet Ann Taplin born at Grace Plains in 11 August 1876. She married John Cook at St Columba Anglican Church Hawthorn in 1913 on 26th July. He was 56 years old on marriage. No children.
William Taplin was a farmer. Although he appears to have mainly lived in Salisbury and his wife no doubt would have wanted to be near her parents and siblings he took up land at Grace Plains. Land there was first offered for sale in 1856 but most farmers did not move into that district until 1865 or after. In August 1866 William Taplin of Salisbury advised he would prosecute people carting wood and carting it from sections 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 and 447. Cattle would be impounded. Contact W Taplin at the property or John Winzor in Angas Street Adelaide. The land was also available for lease. The nearest town Mallala was not established until 1872. William took up land near Barraba in the east of the Hundred not far from the Light River. When did William Taplin take up this land and where did he get the money? Was it from an inheritance from his father who died in 1866? William Taplin took up 1,080 acres which would have cost well over £1,000 in the mid 1860s. His sections were numbers 440,441,442,443,445,446,447 and 409 in the Hundred of Grace. In July 1871 Taplin advised section 313 and 314 for available for lease. He bought section 317 in 1874. He built an eight roomed house on the property for the family. Their only daughter to survive childhood was born there in 1876. William and the family returned to live in Salisbury in 1884 and he had a manager run Winzor Park. In 1892 when William was 57 years old he put the farm up for a seven year lease. He advertised this again in 1893 and in 1894. William died in 1904 aged 69 years. William’s son Charles J B Taplin was the executor of his will. Harriet Taplin died in 1909 and was buried next to William in the Salisbury Anglican cemetery.
He also had section 407 which he tried to lease in 1875. Contacts were to him at Winzor Park near Barraba or George Lovelock in Salisbury. William Taplin attended a meeting in Mallala in September 1875 urging a railway to Mallala. He moved the motion for it. William Taplin by 1876, once it was founded, was in the Mallala Gun Club. He competed and won a prize in 1876. He was also in the South Australian Rifle Club as a member from March 1877. He competed in their matches and won first prize in 200 yard live bird shoot in April 1877. He was the chair of the Mallala Gun Club match with Adelaide at Bolivar in September 1877. He chaired the dinner. William Taplin applied to get 31 members of the Mallala Gun Cub included as members of the South Australian Rifle Club also in September 1877. William Taplin led a deputation to obtain a policeman at Mallala in 1877. Taplin was vice president of the Mallala Gun Club and came first all three shoots in October 1877. He also played in the Mallala Cricket Club. In 1878 he was also a steward of the Mallala Horse Racing Club for their meetings. They held an annual race meeting. William Taplin was also a judge of vegetables submitted to the Port Gawler Show in 1879 at Two Wells. In 1880 he was President of the Mallala Agricultural Show Society. In the 1880 show he exhibited horses, wheat, turkeys, hens etc. He took the prize for the best wheat. He won similar prizes in the 1881 show including geese and 1882 and 1883 etc. By 1883 William Taplin was a JP and charged locals of Hamley Bridge for illegally selling alcohol. Culprits sentenced to two months jail by Taplin. He presided over other similar cases. He began selling his farm stock and animals in 1884. He was a judge of horses at the Virginia Show in 1884 and also Two Wells Show. He was made vice president of the Salisbury Cricket Club in 1884. By November 1884 he was the magistrate in the Salisbury Court as he was a JP. In 1885 he competed in the Virginia Show pigeon shooting match. He last sat on the bench of Salisbury Courthouse in 1899. He died after a long illness. In 1896 he was the referee for Salisbury Gun Club competitions.
The Taplin children of my great great grandfather.
1. Alice died as a child.
2. Lillies Eliza Taplin married Robert Edwin Argent of Penfield and had my grandmother Effie Leticia Argent and her brothers and sisters.
3. Charles James Blatch Taplin married in 1893 Edithe Rabbich. They had: Colin Quintrell Taplin born 25 June 1895 at Peterborough and died 6 June 1962 at Enfield; Lansley Eddison Rabbich Taplin on 16th January 1898 at Mount Gambier – he died 3 May 1945; Coralie Edyth Joan Taplin 24 November 1904 at Burra; Phyllis Agnus Taplin born 30th November 1906 at Burra; Joyce Taplin born 16 January 1898 in Mount Gambier; Colin Charles born 23 January 1920 in Peterborough; and Nancy Blatch Taplin.
4. John Winzor Taplin married Laura Skurray in 1897. Their children were: James Lance Taplin;
The children of my great great grandfather’s brother Charles Goodenough Taplin born 1841 and Louisa Lambert of Auburn.
1. Alfred Basil St John George Taplin born at Macclesfield 14 November 1868. Died 12 November 1934 at Stirling Hospital. He married twice and had John Blatch Taplin and Dawn Estelle Taplin. Was an engineer fitter with the SAR railways. A noted baritone singer, musician, concert performer, actor etc. For many years stationed at Gladstone which he left in 1930. His son was killed in 1942 on active service in World War Two.
2. Arthur Charles Goodenough Taplin born 24 January 1871 at Echunga. He too was a singer, actor and musician and involved in theatre, concerts etc. Also an engineer at the railway workshops at Islington. Started there in 1885. Moved to Petersburg in 1912, then Cockburn, then Mile End, then Port Pirie and then Cockburn again in 1923. He died in Broken Hill. 11 November 1925 as a bachelor.
3. Mabel Kate Taplin born 7 April 1876 at Wallaroo. Died 17 December 1877.
4. Gertrude Muriel Edith Emily Taplin born 27 October 1880 Wallaroo and died 25 December 1882 at Wallaroo.
5. Harry Walter Fred Lambert Taplin born 3 January 1886 at Woodville and died 24 August 1918 on active service in France during World War One.

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583. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 304/214.
584. “William Taplin,”, 6 Nov 2020.
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585. “South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.” vol 44 p 100.
586. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 44/99.
587. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 2 p 495.
588. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch no C046841.
589. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 231/433.
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591. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 65/314.
592. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 10, p 1450.
593. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 292/387.
594. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Nor 284/377.
595. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 79/616.
596. Thomas Gill, History and Topography of Glen Osmond, Adelaide, 1905, p 111.
597. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 1 87.
598. “South Australian Deaths 1842-1862,” Fiche, vol 1 p 62.
599. “Ellen Winzor,”, 6 Nov 2020.
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600. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 1 150.
601. “South Australian Deaths 1842-1862,” Fiche, vol 2 p 31.
602. “Alfred Winzor,”, 6 Nov 2020.
603. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 2 57.
604. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 2 p 690.
605. “Ada S Harvey,”, 7 Nov 2020.
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606. “John Harvey,”, 7 Nov 2020.
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607. “South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.” vol 71 p 227.
608. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” ADE 71/227.
609. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 3 10.
610. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 1, p 55.
611. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Yan 66/285.
612. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 2 p 529.
613. “ROYAL ALBERT,”, 10 Nov 2006.
614. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 619 239.
615. “Frank L Winzor,”, 6 Nov 2020.
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616. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 894/4973.
617. Ronald Parsons, Migrant Ships for South Australia 1836-1850, Gould Books, 1983.
618. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Bar 133/48.
619. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Nor 192/750.
620. “Alice H Taplin,”, 6 Nov 2020.
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621. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Bar 21/47.
622. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 505 303.
623. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Nor H 4A/404.
624. “Gladys May Dunn,”, 6 Nov 2020.
625. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Bur 499/95.
626. “Norman Leslie Dunn,”, 6 Nov 2020.
627. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade H 830/4866.
628. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 319/738.
629. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 549 22.
630. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 242/249.
631. “Jack Winzor,”, 6 Noc 2020.
632. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4 p 1575.
633. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 23/25.
634. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” PtA 193/491.
635. Robert Janmaat (TheShipsList), “Passenger List - Standard, London & Plymouth to Adelaide, 1852,” not active -, 14 May 2011,, 11 Sep 2024.
636. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Nor 452/509.
637. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 70/504.
638. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 560/110.
639. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 594/25.
640. “Winzor John Burdett,”, 7 Nov 2020.
File: Source 5669 Media.jpg
641. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Ade 607/449.
642. “Doris Edith Burdett,”, 7 Nov 2020.
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643. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Ade 295/283.
644. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” UpW 451/227.
645. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Nor 306/448.
646. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade V 64/238.
647. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 33/509.
648. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4, p 1739.
649. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Nor 158/1132.
650. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 1, p 445.
651. Eric Heinrich, Christian and Karl Koenig and their Descendents in Australia, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, 1990, Lehmann, p 25.
652. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 1, p 445, 469.
653. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 13698/1903.
654. “Natimuk Cemetery,”, 1 Sep 2008.
655. “Maxi Family Group Index.” K08638.
656. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, film no. 1903910.
657. National Archives of Australia,, 20 Sep 2016, naturalization certificate.
658. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 2687/1883.
659. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade A 11/243.
660. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, film 1760960.
661. “Maxi Family Group Index.” K08649.
662. Lauren Thomson, “Johann Hundrack,”, 26 Jan 2007.
663. Eric Heinrich, Christian and Karl Koenig and their Descendents in Australia, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, 1990, Lehmann, p 167.
664. Eric Heinrich, Christian and Karl Koenig and their Descendents in Australia, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, 1990, Lehmann, p 169.
665. Robert Janmaat (TheShipsList), “Passenger List - Wandrahm, Hamburg to Adelaide, 1854,” not active -, 30 Oct 2020,, 8 Sep 2024.
666. Eric Heinrich, Christian and Karl Koenig and their Descendents in Australia, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, 1990, Lehmann, p 168.
667. “Birth Deaths and Marriages Victoria,”, 8 Feb 2020, D 14133/1902.
668. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 1, p 268.
669. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Fro 154/967.
670. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4, p 1656.
671. Robert Janmaat (TheShipsList), “Passenger List - Emmy, Hamburg to Adelaide, 1850,” not active =, 14 Dec 2009,, 11 Sep 2024.
672. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Tal 254/282.
673. Bruce W. Thomas, William Thomas (1805-1881) and the Thomas Family of Guyong, p 121.
674. Bruce W. Thomas, William Thomas (1805-1881) and the Thomas Family of Guyong, p 122.
675. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, D 11063/1929.
676. Bruce W. Thomas, William Thomas (1805-1881) and the Thomas Family of Guyong, p 16.
677. Bruce W. Thomas, William Thomas (1805-1881) and the Thomas Family of Guyong.
678. Bathurst Pioneers, Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, 2007, 4560.
680. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, D 10748/1898.
681. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, M 3099/1871.
682. United Kingdom Genealogy, “Marriages at St. Keverne from Phillimore Parish Registers,”, 17 Aug 2003.
683. “Centennial park,”, 29 Dec 2022, Burial, Lutheran, Path 7, Site 105A.
684. Frost - Fotsteps of Faith 1844-1994, Norma Schopp, Gould Publishing Services: Gumaracha, SA, 1994, p 126.
685. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” B 1921/24565.
686. District Council of Loxton Waikerie, “Cemeteries,”, 13 Jane 2008, ection LAWN-Plot/Grave/Niche D41.
687. Henschke Heritage, Henschke Heritage Group Inc., Adelaide, SA, 1995, p 228.
688. Geoff Saegenschnitter, For Faith and Freedom - Ostritz Germany to Australia - Roocke-Rooke Family History - 1858-1986, Roocke-Rooke Book Committee, Adelaide, SA, 1986, p 270.
690. Lobethal Baptismal Register, Lutheran Archives, 1845 no.5.
691. The Ahrens Family : Hinrich Gerhard Ahrens and his wife Christiane Amalie Thomas: The story of the Ahrens family : 500 years in Germany and Australia : ancestors and descendants of our Australian pioneers, Betty Mangelsdorf, p 62.
692. Robert Janmaat (TheShipsList), “Passenger List - Sophie G 1866-3,” 29 April 2011.
693. “Queensland Historical Index - Births, Deaths and Marriages,”, 31 May 2017, M 1875/C000332.
694. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 3 246.
695. Hoffnungsthal baptismal Register, Lutheran Archives, Adelaide, 52.
696. “Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 11 Aug 1932,”, 3 Aug 2020.
697. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 113/228.
698. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 4/329.
699. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 152/1055.
700. Bethany Burial register, Lutheran Archives, Adelaide SA, 1859/2.
701. Koch Connections 1839-1999, Koch Family Reubion Committee, 1999, p 44.
702. Koch Connections 1839-1999, Koch Family Reubion Committee, 1999, p 44-5.
703. David Schubert, Kavel’s People, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, SA, 1985, p 165.
704. Koch Connections 1839-1999, Koch Family Reubion Committee, 1999, p44.
705. The Dohnt Families in Australia, 1838-1986: A History of Three Pioneer Families and a Record of Their Descendants, Dohnt Family Reunion Committee, 533pp, Adelaide, 1986, p 76.
706. State Library of Victoria, “Germans in Victoria,”, 8 Nov 2005, Pandora Archive - original site no longer active, xxxd.pdf.
707. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Bar 32/358.
708. Max Mattner, Donald Ross, Leona Coleman, The Mattners in Australia 1839-1980, Mattner family Reunion Committee, Adelaide (1981), p 182.
709. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade A 11/321.
710. Moad Family Tree Book, Lottie Bell, Private Publication, 15 Dec 1984, p 570.
711. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, B 15211/1896.
712. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, M 9549/1927.
713. Australian Cemeteries Index, “Aldinga Uniting Church,”, 13 May 2019.
714. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 325/150.
715. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 2, p 490.
716. “HMS BUFFALO 1836,”, 1 Jul 2006.
717. Christopher Hewson, “Births, Marriages and Deaths, South Australia, Marriages 1842-1937,”, 18 Aug 2011.
718. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, p 985.
719. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, p 1264.
720. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, D 1126/1922.
721. “Descendants of Richard Lovelock,”, 12 Jan 2009.
722. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 1 110.
723. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 2, p 491.
724. “LDS FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File,”, 1199050-0228101212135.
725. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 3/14.
726. Christopher Hewson, “Births, Marriages and Deaths, South Australia, Births 1842-1928 ,”, 18 Aug 2011.
727. “LDS FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19,”, 24 Aug 2012, AFN: 17F2-VNQ.
728. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 4/75.
729. “Lovelocks,” 19 May 2007, Rebecca Chaplin.
730. “LDS FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19,”, 24 Aug 2012, AFN: 1ZZR-J2C.
731. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 5 351.
732. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, p 1356.
733. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Ade 4/34.
734. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 99/614.
735. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, p 495.
736. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 31/139.
737. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade X 11/66.
738. “Chapman and many others in UK & Australia,”, 3 Jul 2016.
739. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” MoV 102/845.
740. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Wil 358/389.
741. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, EnB 16/350.
742. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Ade 632/300.
743. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 1, p 185, vol 2 p 495.
744. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 1, p 185.
745. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, p 1274.
746. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch no. C046841.
747. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 107/218.
748. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 98/85.
749. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch no M046841.
750. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 377/461.
751. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Gre 67/474.
752. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Gre 259/44.
753. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 97/113.
754. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 31/72.
755. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 1/65.
757. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Gre A 48/377.
758. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 63/168.
759. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 1/168.
760. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Dal 536/42.
761. “Family of John PORTER and Ann FORTUNE,”, 4 Jun 2016.
762. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch no M046841.
763. Max Mattner, Donald Ross, Leona Coleman, The Mattners in Australia 1839-1980, Mattner family Reunion Committee, Adelaide (1981), p 207.
764. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ang 140/465.
765. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Cla 173/286.
766. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” UpW 199/426.
767. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 27288/1942.
768. Ian Marr, “Cemeteries of South West Victoria.,” “Dimboola Cemetery Index,” USB Release 9.4, 15 Mar 2004, no. 1304.
769. Jeanine Greig, “TISCHLER,”, 25 May 2009.
770. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 12657/1976.
771. Ian Marr, “Cemeteries of South West Victoria.,” “Dimboola Cemetery Index,” USB Release 9.4, 15 Mar 2004, no. 1305.
772. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” M 8871/1906.
773. Noske-Nuske Reunion Committee, Oppression to Opportunity. Noske-Nuske Families in Australia 1847-1997, Adelaide, SA, 1997, p 564.
774. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” UpW 228/384.
775. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 21102/1956.
776. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 26390/1969.
777. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” UpW 270/117.
778. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Upw 371/184.
779. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 20330/1973.
780. “Gedcom file,” Chris Wyatt, May 2002.
781. Bendigo Cemeteries Trust, “Database search,”, 8 April 2010.
782. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 27514/1975.
783. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” M 2425/1910.
784. Max Mattner, Donald Ross, Leona Coleman, The Mattners in Australia 1839-1980, Mattner family Reunion Committee, Adelaide (1981), p 209.
785. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” UpW 371/183.
786. Gillian Baker, “Hoffmann in Australia,”, 8 Mar 2015.
787. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” M 2437/1912.
788. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” B 30266/1888.
789. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” D 17760/1964.
790. Elizabeth Huf, Courage, Patience and Persistence, St Michael’s Lutheran Church, Tarrington, Victoria, 2003, p 710.
791. “Victoria Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages.” M 7284/1920.
792. Max Mattner, Donald Ross, Leona Coleman, The Mattners in Australia 1839-1980, Mattner family Reunion Committee, Adelaide (1981), p 211.
793. “Burrumbuttock Cemetery,”, 17 Jun 2008.
794. “Birth Deaths and Marriages Victoria,”, 8 Feb 2020, B 2248/1863.
795. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, M 3569/1889.
796. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, film 1761039.
797. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, film 6142784.
798. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch 8703323.
799. LDS, “International Genealogical Index,”, 1 Jan 2014, batch F096846.
800. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 3 350.
801. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ang 79/217.
802. Bethany Cemetary Register 1864-1872, Lutheran Archives, Adelaide SA, 57.
803. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ang 21 204.
804. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ang 72/23.
805. Bethany Cemetary Register 1864-1872, Lutheran Archives, Adelaide SA, 51.
806. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ang 25 363.
807. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ang 76/307.
808. Bethany Cemetary Register 1864-1872, Lutheran Archives, Adelaide SA, 54.
809. R S Munchenberg, The Descendants of Gottfried Rothe in Australia 1850-1979, Rothe Family Reunion Committee, 1979, p 64.
810. John Powers, Changing Pastures, Arnold Family History Committee - Arnolds in Australia 1848-1993, 1993, p 335.
811. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, 19065/1878.
812. Jean Pearce, “Pearce Family,” 22 June 2010, “Re: Pearce Family,” 23 June 2010.
813. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, D 31487/1958.
814. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, B 26084/1882.
815. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, D 17817/1966.
816. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, M 7184/1904.
817. Bathurst Pioneers, Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, 2007, 4561.
818. Bruce W. Thomas, William Thomas (1805-1881) and the Thomas Family of Guyong, P 121.
819. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, B V18281938 162A/1828, V1828257 155/1828.
820. Bathurst Pioneers, Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, 2007, 4500.
821. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, M V184781 84/1847.
822. Bathurst Pioneers, Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, 2007, p 315, 4561.
823. “LDS FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19,”, 24 Aug 2012, AFN: LLB0-T6.
824. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, D 3677/1871.
825. “LDS FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19,”, 24 Aug 2012, AFN: LLB0-XP.
826. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, D V1851324 110/1851.
827. Bathurst Pioneers, Family History Group of Bathurst Inc, 2007, 4503.
828. “Passenger Lists To Australia - Germany to Australia,”, 15 Nov 2005.
829. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 10, p 1451.
830. “Passenger Lists To Australia - Germany to Australia,”, 15 Nov 2005, Johan Cesar.
831. Robert Janmaat (TheShipsList), “Passenger List - Johann Caesar, Hamburg to Adelaide, 1855,” not active -, 8 June 2010,, 11 Sep 2024.
833. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 231/277.
834. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Ade 533/499.
835. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, South Australia Cemeteries.
836. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” PtA 198/360.
837. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Nor 215/844.
838. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, p 1293.
839. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 4/136.
840. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4, p 1685.
841. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Wil 333/134.
842. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Wil 419/433.
843. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Wil 259/990.
844. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 3/83.
845. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Cla S 305/496.
846. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Yan 90/763.
847. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 3/225.
848. “Clive & Wendy Polkinghorne's Home Page,”, 12 Mar 2008.
849. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 2, p 490, 659.
850. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Yan 14/226.
851. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 2, p 659.
852. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Yan 13/370.
853. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” WIl 124/659.
854. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 2, p 490, 658.
855. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 2, p 658.
856. “Ian Redpath's and Maxine Pitt's Family,”, 21 may 2007,, 3 mar 2009.
857. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Yan 32/191.
858. “South Australian people,”, 19 Mar 2016.
859. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Yan 164/325.
860. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Rob 321/399.
861. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Ade 166A/3918.
862. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 510/109.
863. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Yan 322/497.
864. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 614/2704.
865. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” PtA 296/388.
866. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 22/50.
867. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Nor 134/1344.
868. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 28/526.
869. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 1, p 355.
870. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 24/347.
871. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 134/722.
872. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 35/104.
873. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 859/3338.
874. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” EnB 169/266.
875. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 583/3577.
876. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” EnB 169/266.
877. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 2, p 489.
878. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 70/39.
879. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 727/2636.
880. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Hin 10A/3087.
881. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 258/600.
882. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 124/492.
883. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Bar 478/252.
884. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Str 172/297.
885. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 207/755.
886. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 93/48.
887. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” EnB 847/5296.
888. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 56A/7401.
889. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Str 226/1066.
890. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 193/348.
891. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 107/304.
892. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 682/5207.
893. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 260/854.
894. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 355/152.
895. Reg Butler, A College in the Wattles, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, SA, 1989, p 259.
896. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Nai 332/15.
897. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Str 243/380.
898. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 415/152.
899. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Str 334/21.
900. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Str 242/201.
901. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Str 569/435.
902. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, 1223.
903. Faithe Jones, “MUDGE FAMILIES IN AUSTRALIA,”, 7 Aug 2010.
904. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 511/21.
905. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 564/496.
906. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 297/645.
907. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 537/20.
908. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 282/103.
909. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 572/69.
910. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 290/1019.
911. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 601/486.
912. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Hin 30A/3793.
913. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 379/2799.
914. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 642/442.
915. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Nor 322/447.
916. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Wil 693/135.
917. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, p 1295.
918. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Gil X 270/273.
919. Bob Carter, “DESCENDANTS OF THE MONTAGUE FAMILY,”, 20 May 2007.
920. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Gil 327/383.
921. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 233/503.
922. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4, p 1609.
923. “LDS FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19,”, 24 Aug 2012, AFN:1ZZR-J3K.
924. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 189/110.
925. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Ade 470/524.
926. “LDS FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19,”, 24 Aug 2012, AFN:1ZZR-J4R.
927. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 242/247.
928. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Nor 944/5698.
929. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” PtG 189/323.
930. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 973/3190.
931. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 309/109.
932. “LOVELOCK Ernest married Janet SANDILANDS,”, 3 Mar 2018.
933. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Dal 188/712.
934. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, Jan Thomas, South Australian Genealogy and Heraldry Society, 1, p 491.
935. NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages, “Births, Deaths and Marriages search,”, 8 Feb 2020, M 4545/1887.
936. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Dal 249/137.
937. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Ade 186/452.
938. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Dal 213/213.
939. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Dal M 365/373.
940. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Dal 325/322.
941. “Digger - SA Marriages, Registrations 1842-1916 (c) SAGHS.” Dal 234/366.
942. “Digger - South Australian Deaths, Registrations 1842-1915 (c) SAGHS.” Dal 193/88.
943. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 1, p 441.
944. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Yan 380/201.
945. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986.
946. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, EnB 511/24.
947. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Yan 78/417.
948. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Yan 240/292.
949. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Yan 138/69.
951. “Digger - South Australian Births 1842-1906 (c) SAGHS.” Yan 143/68.
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961. “The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929) Sat 15 Sep 1923,”, 3 Mar 2018.
962. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4, p 1425.
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977. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, p 1030.
978. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 4, p 1494.
979. “FamilySearch Tree,”, 22 Mar 2019.
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984. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 2, p 884.
985. Biographical Index of South Australians 1836-1885, J Statton, South Australian Genealogy and Heritage Society, 1986, vol 3, p 1100.
986. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, EnB 579/1524.
987. “Genealogy SA - database search,”, 10 Sep 2012, Yan 143/87.
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