Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGILES, James Sybourn 
Immigration1874, ‘Forfarshire’1612 Age: 28
The Wooroora Producer (Balaklava, SA : 1909 - 1940) Thu 2 Jun 19211614
OBITUARY. — We regret toannounoe the death of Mr JamesGiles which ocourred at theresidence of his son-in-law, Mr AG. Luff, Edwardstown, on the 25thMay. The deceased gentlemanwho was in his 77th year at thetime of his death, was bora atBoxley, Kent, Eogland, andarrived in South Australia withhis wife in the ship " Forfarshire"in the year 1874. He was engagedin farming pursuits at DuttonTown, Grace Plains, the Hundredof Stow and subsequently atHalbury, and also acted as Clerkand Overseer to the Hall DistrictCounoil from 1896 until 1917. Hiswife predeceased him on the 17thJanuary, 1916. Mr Giles was wellknown and respected throughoutthe district and leaves nine Childrento mourn their loss. His remainswere removed from Edwardstown and conveyed to Bal-aklava where they were interred on ; the 27ih May.The funeral arrangements were inthe hands of Messrs, R. T. Wallman& Son, of Adelaide, and Messrs.Brebner & Keefe, of Balaklava
Birth30 Mar 1845, East Peckham, Kent1612,1615
Immigration1874, ‘Forfarshire’ Age: 28