Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameROSE, Louisa Lucy 
Birth30 Mar 1845, East Peckham, Kent1612,1615
Immigration1874, ‘Forfarshire’ Age: 28
The Wooroora Producer (Balaklava, SA : 1909 - 1940) Thu 20 Jan 19161616
Death.—We regret to have to an-nounce the death of Mrs Giles, wifeof Mr J. Giles, the highly-esteemedclerk of the Hall District Council, atHalbury. About a fortnight ago MrGiles was away from the house for ashort time attending to his horse.On his return, he found Mrs Gileslying on the verandah in an uncon-scious state. Dr Yeatman, ofAuburn, was called in, but he gaveno hope, and she died on Mondaynight at the age of 70 years. Thefuneral took place on Wednesdayafternoon, the remains being interredin Balaklava cemetery. There was alarge attendance.
Immigration1874, ‘Forfarshire’1612 Age: 28