Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thursday 17 March 1932
46772MR. F. H.
Mr. Friedrich Heinrich
who died recently at his residence,
'Uplands,' near Paskeville, was born
at Salisbury in 1866, and was the third
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Bussenschutt. He remained on the
farm until 1894, when he went to
Paskeviile and afterwards purchased
;he estate known as Uplands. By
hard work and good management, he
made the property a model farm. In
1897 he married Miss Jane Isabel Gre-
gory, of Brooklyn Villa, Golden Grove,
who survives him. Mr.
Bussenschuttwas a stanch adherent of the Anglican
Church, and was warden for many
years. He was one of the first to
inaugurate the Paskeville branch of the
Agricultural Bureau, for which he was
a consistent worker. He was also a
valued member of the N.Y. Peninsula
Field Trial Society. Besides a widow
he leaves three sons, Messrs. Tennyson
Bussenschutt (Junee, N.S.W.), Conrad
Bussenschutt .Carnamah, W.A.),
and Ralph Stanton
Bussenschutt (Pas-
keville), and five daughters, Mrs. F.
Daniel (Kainton), Mrs. S. Heinrich
(Bute), Mrs. P. Millard (Carnamah,
W.A.), and Misses Brenda and Marie
Bussenschutt (Paskeville).