Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGRUMMET, Johann Christian Theodor Adolph 
Immigration1 Jan 1855, ‘Johan Caesar’844,845,23694 Age: 10
Burial2 Aug 1928, North Road Cemetery, Nailsworth, SA47091
The Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Wed 8 Aug 1928
One of Moonta's oldest ex-residents
and prominent business-men, Mr
Adolph Grummet, died at North Ade-
laide on Tuesday, l
ast week. Thelate Mr Grummet was born at Claus-thal, Hanover Germany in January,1844. He came to Australia with hisfather, Mr A. Grummet, of Hahndorf,in 1855 and, after working at MountBarker and Callington, he came toMoonta . He was in the, em-ploy of the Moonta Mining Co. forsome time after coming here. After-wards he went into business in smallway. Subsequently, he opened a shopnear the top of George-street, as asstationer, and it can safely be said thatbe built up one of the largest firmsbooksellers and importers of fancygoods. in the State. He carried alarge stock, and drew patrons from faras well as near. It is. just eightyears ago since he retired, when hedisposed of his business to Mr P.D.Learmond. He was widely knownthroughout the district, where he re-sided for the best part of 60 years. Un-Unfortunately, his declining years weremarred by an eye affliction, which,caused total blindness a couple ofyears ago. He was much interestedin the public matters in this town, and forthree years represented West ward inthe Moonta town council. For someyears he was president of the InstituteCommittee, and of the local schooIcommittee. He was a postmaster ofthe Princess Royal and Duke of Edin-
burgh Lodges, also the Mark Lodgeand Royal Arch Chapter. A widow,six sons, Messrs R.C. and A. (Ade-laide) Cyril, Lester and Bert (Perth);and Stanley (Sydney); and four Daugh-ters Miss Ida Grummet (Adelaide),Mesdames J. Odgers (Ramco, RiverMurray), A.H. Fairy (Perth) and C.Broad (New Zealand) survive.
News (Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1954) Wed 1 Aug 1928
Mr Adolph Grummet
A Moonta resident for 60 years was Mr.
Johann Christian Theodor Adolph Grunm-
met, whose death occurred in Adelaide
Mr. Adolph Grummet,
as he was gene-rally known, was a leading figure in manybranches of Moonta activities. He wasborn at Clausthal, Hanover, Germany, 84years ago.At the age of 11 years he came to Aus-tralia with his father, the late Mr. A.Grummet. The family settled first inHahndorf. South Australia. In 1865 Mr.Adolph Grummet took up residence inMoonta, where he stayed until the failureof his eyesight necessitated his removalto a private hospital in Adelaide fouryears ago.He opened a small bookselling, andfancy goods shop in the early days ofMoonta. This grew apace, and in timebecame what was claimed to be one of the
MR. ADOLPH GRUMMET Moonta resident, whose death has occurred in Adelaide.largest businesses of its kind in SouthAustralia. In June, 1920, Mr. Grummetretired from his George street business.but his well-earned rest was marred byeye trouble, which in 1926 resulted in totalblindness.Before this he maintained a keen in-terest in public affairs. For three yearshe represented West Ward as councillor,and for some time was presiding officerof the institute committee and of thelocal school committee. He was a pastmaster of the Duke of Edinburgh Lodge,No. 16, South Australian Constitution.also the Mark and Royal Arch Chapter.Mr. Grumnmet was also a member ofthe Commrcial Travellers and Wharehouse-men's Association. His two chief in-terests, apart from his business, werefloriculture and fishing. He was a suc-cessful exhibitor at all local shows, andhis ferns were well known throughoutthe district.He spent much of his time tending hishothouses and fernhouses, and importedsoil from Mount Gambier. The remainderof his leisure he devoted to fishing.Members of' the family are Messrs. R.C. and A. Grummet (Adelaide), Cyril, Lester, and Bert Grummet (Perth), and Stanley (Sydney),. Miss Ida. Grummet (Ade-laide), Mesdames J. Odgers (Ramco, RiverMurray), Fairey (Perth), and C. Broad(New Zealand).The remains will be buried at NorthRoad Cemetery tomorrow morning.