The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) - Saturday, 5 July 1930
OBITUARYThe late Mrs. Antonie Wilhelmine
Pontt. whose death occurred recently,
was the wife of Mr. J. A. Pontt, of
Birdwood. She was one of the pioneers
of South Australia. Born in Han-
lover, Germany, she came to this State
with her father, the late Mr. C. Heu-
zenroeder, who was a well-known
chemist in the Birdwood district in the
early days, about 70 years ago. She
was married to Mr. J. A. Pontt in
1877. Bfcr several years after their
marriage Mr. and Mrs. Pontt had
various stations in the far north of
South Australia, and in the Broken
Hill district. About 5 years ago Mr.
Pontt purchased "The Wattles,"
Birdwood, where the family has re-
sided since. Three years ago Mr. and
Mrs. Pontt celebrated their golden
wedding, and at this celebration all
the members of the family were pre-
sent. There are eight sons and five
daughters, all of whom survive, the
death of Mrs. Pontt having been the
first in the family. The sons are
Messrs. A. F., E. J., H. J., J. E., and
D. Pontt (Birdwood), Mr. L. E. Pontt
(Cudlee Creek), Mr. B. W. Pontt
(Angaston), and Mr. B. M. Pontt
(Mount Barker). The daughters are
Misses M., A, N., and B. Pontt (Bird-
wood), and Mesdames G. B. Greaves
(Medindie), and C. Coates (St. Peters).