Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Saturday 30 January 1892
Campbell, of Lake Bonney, recently in the
employ of Mr. T. C. Ellis, died in the Mount
Gambier Hospital on Wednesday night, from
cancer. His body was taken to Millicent on
Thursday for interment. The deceased leaves
a widow and eleven young children.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) Thursday 24 March 1892
57853RE JOHN CAMPBELL, late of the Hundred of
Mayurra, Boundary Rider, Deceased. —Pur-
suant to the Property Act of 1860, NOTICE is hereby
given that all CREDITORS and other persons having
CLAIMS against the ESTATE of the above deceased,
who died at Mount Gambier on the 27th day of
January, 1892, are required to SEND in their full
names and addresses, and FULL PARTICULARS of
their claims and the securities (if any) held by
them, to William Talburt Kealy, of Millicent, farmer,
and Roland Campbell, of Millicent, storekeeper, the
Executors, on or before the fifth day of May. 1892, at
the expiration of which time the said Executors will
be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said
deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which they shall then
have had notice.
Dated this 22nd day of March, 1892.
Eagle Chambers. Adelaide,
84 Solicitor to the Executors.