Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Tuesday 15 September 1925
CAMPBELL.-On September 13, 1925,
at the Mount Gambier Hospital,
Emily Campbell; aged 72 years.
The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929) Friday 18 September 1925
The death occurred at the Mount Gam-
bier Hospital on, Sunday of Mrs. Emi!y
Campbell, relict of the late Mr. John
Campbell, of Lake Bonney, near Millieent.
The deceased's husband was a 'widely
known sporting identity of 40 or 50 years
ago, and owner of Dutch Oven and othe-
south-eastern racehorses. He was a cross
country horseman whose services were in
demand at country meetings. Mrs. Camp-
bell was 73 years of age at the time of
her death. With the help of members of
her family, she took up farming pursuits
after her husband's death 30 years ago, and
successfully worked properties at Mount
Mclntyre, Tantanoola, and Kalangadoo.
The family consists of Messrs. Andrew
(New South Wales), Angus (Western Aus
tralia), Colin (Kalangadoo), Archibald
(Rendelsham), and Donald and Robert
Campbell (Millicent), Mrs. Beveridges
(Melbourne), Mrs. J. Stratford (Mount
Gambier), Mrs. H. Rodgers (Kalangadoo),
Mrs. Maccy (Western Australia), and
Miss Annie Campbell (Adelaide).