Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA) Saturday 24 January 1914
Mr. David Norman, sen. of Yahl, a
resident of the Mount Gambier district
for 48 years, died at his residence at
Yahl at mid-day yesterday. A couple of
months ago he had a sever attack of
influenza, and although after some
weeks he improved he did not fully re-
cover. Last Wednesday he collapsed, and
passed away quietly yesterday. Mr.
Norman was born at Oakington, four
miles from Cambridge, England, in May
1828, and was thus 86 years of age. On
April 4, 1851, Mr. Norman, accompan-
ied bv his wife, sailed from England for
America, and reached New York in May.
Having been brought up on a farm Mr.
Norman went farming to Niagara County,
New York State, about 20 miles from
the famous falls. He remained there for
18 years, and most of his family were
born there. During the great civil war
(1861-6) they got very tired of things
in the United States, and they had
friends in Australia who were urging
them to come to Australia, as the fairest
and most promising land on the face of
the earth, so they decided to leave
America, and, sailing from New York in
October; 1864 reached Adelaide, by way
of England, in 1865, by the ship Bar-
lainton. Mr. Norman with his late bro-
the Mr. Ellis Normon, came to Mount
Gambier in September, 1866, and pur-
chased land at Yahl. Having secured the
farms the brothers returned to Adelaide
for their families and brought them over
in December of the same year. Since
then Mr. Norman continued to reside on
the farm then taken up. The young fam-
ily that Mr. Norman brought with him
has, during the 50 years that has elapsed
scattered from the parental home, and
formed homes of their own. Mr. Nor-
man had four sons--Messrs. George G.
Norman, Ellis Norman, and Horace Nor-
man, of Mount Gambier East, and Mr.
Silas Norman, of Penola; and three
daughters -- Mrs. James Lean, now
of Adelaide, Mrs. Isaac Pasfield, of
Yahl, and Mrs. M. Collins, of
Geelong. He also leaves 32 grand-
children and over 20 great-grandchildren,
about 60 descendants in all. Mrs. Nor-
man, whose maiden name was Sarah
Lindford, who was married to Mr. Nor-
man on July 20, 1948, died on Good
Friday, 1911, at the age of 81 years.
During his long residence in this district
Mr. Norman took a fair share in the
public life of the district. He was some
years a member of the Mount Gambier
East District Council, and for many years
was a member of the general committee of
the Agricultural and Horticultural So-
ciety. In church and other matters at
Yahl he took an active interest in the
days of his strength. He was respected
by all who knew him as a most estim-
able man in social relations, and a re-
liable and upright man in business, and
an energetic and progressive man in
public affairs. There are many who will
regret his death. The funeral is announced
by Mr. W. Pearce for to-morrow (Sun-
day) afternoon.