Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCOLE, William George Cooper 
Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940) Fri 3 Jan 191358743
AT HOME WITH GOD.THE LATE MR. W. G. C. COLE.The Methodist Church of South Australiahas lost a devoted worker throughthe death of Mr. William George CooperCole, which took place at Kirkcaldy,Grange, on Thursday, December 5, atthe ripe age of seventy-five years. Mr.Cole came to this State with his parentsas long ago as 1839, when only two yearsof age, arriving by the ship "Lysander."He was, therefore, a very oldcolonist, and always looked forwardwith pleasure to the celebrations onCommemoration Day at Glenelg eachyear. In his early life he had very fewopportunities of education, and whenonly a lad started to work for his ownliving. He was a mason by trade, butdid not keep to it, and after workingfor two years at his trade, went to Williamstownand engaged in farming withhis brother. From farming he took tostorekeeping, but did not continue longin that business. In his early life hewent to the Victorian gold diggings andresided for two years in Ballarat. Hereturned to South Australia, and in1864 joined the railway service atKapunda. He was for many yearsguard of the train running fromKapunda to Adelaide. For twenty threeyears he was stationmaster atFreeling, and after serving thirty-fiveand a half years in the Railway Department,retired in August, 1899. For thelast twelve years he had lived in retirementat the Grange. His Christian serviceextended over a period of sixtyyears, for he was converted at the ageof fifteen. He was a local preacher forclose on forty years, but his greatestwork has perhaps been in the Sundayschools.He was superintendent of theSunday-school at Kapunda for eightyears, at Freeling for twenty-threeyears, and was the first superintendentof the Grange Sunday-school. He wasclass leader at Kapunda, Freeling, andHalifax Street, and has been a very activemember of the Christian EndeavourSociety. The temperance cause alsohad a hard and enthusiastic worker inthe late Mr. Cole, and he was one of thepioneer Rechabites in this State. LastMay Mr. Cole was seized with a seriousillness, from which he never fully recovered.A second stroke overtook himon Wednesday, December 4, and aftertwenty-eight hours of unconsciousness,passed peacefully to his reward on theevening of December 5. His widow haslost a devoted husband, the children agood father, and they rise up to call himblessed. His life has been a continuousexample of upright living, and manytestimonies of his sterling characterhave been received.On Sunday evening, December 15, anin memoriam service was conducted atthe Grange Methodist Church by theRev. W. T. Shapley, who took as histext, "I have fought a good fight, Ihave kept the faith," and referred tothe life just closed" as a triumphantentry into the life beyond the grave—the due reward of a good and useful lifelived here. "For me to live is Christ,to die is gain."
Birth13 Mar 1839, Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire58741,58742
Immigration1846, ‘Boulton’8211 Age: 6
Death28 Feb 1924, Parkside, SA58741 Age: 84