Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCOLE, William James Cooper 
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 17 Mar 193858854
COLE.—On the 13th of March, at a pri- vate hospital, William James Cooper, beloved husband of Eva A. Cole, of 71 Richmond read. Weslbourne Fark, and loving father of M. J. Cole. Lower Mitcham; R. W. Cole, Kadina; and Mrs. H. W. George, Canberra. Aged 79 years.
Laura Standard and Crystal Brook Courier (SA : 1917 - 1948) Fri 25 Mar 193858855
OBITUARY.J.P. who died at his residence West-bourne Bark, on Sunday of last weekat the age of 79 was born at Williamstown. He spent his boyhood and-young manhood at Kapunda, and ser-ved his indentures to- the printing-trade at the "Kapunda Herald'' printing office and for several years wasengaged in the trade at city officesprior to taking over in 1892 the business of the "Laura Standard"". During the twenty two years -he was aresident of Laura he took a keen andactive interest in all its communityaffairs. For six years, after servingseveral years as councillor he 'held theoffice of Mayor of Laura. In 1912he was elected a member of theHouse of Assembly for the Districtof Stanley, and when in 1915 a redistribution of seats he was elected asmember for Pirie. In 191 5 he tookup his residence at Westbourne Parkand in 1918 took over the businessof Ponders Press Agency, which heconducted until 1937 when he disposedof his interests to the S.A. ProvincialPress Co-operative Company Ltd. Hehad a record of over sixty years asa lay preacher of the MethodistChurch. in all of whose activities hewas keenly interested, filling practically all positions open to a layman.Mr. Cole was married twice, first in1887 to Miss Alice Johnson, of Houghton, who died in 1914 and an 1920 toMiss Eva A. Langsford of the Education Department of South AustraliaThe surviving children are Mrs. H.W. George (Canberra) and Messrs.M. J. Cole (Lower Mitcham. and R.\Y. Cole. B-A. (Kadina High School).Miss M. J. Cole and Mr. W. E. Colepredeceased their father. There arefive grandchildren.
Marriage13 Apr 1887, Houghton, SA58858
Death15 Oct 1944, SA58742 Age: 83