Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Saturday 10 July 1954
OBITUARYAssisted About 1000
Babies Into The WorldHundreds of Mount Gam-
bier people were assisted
into the world by Mrs. Han-
nah Maria Lehmann, who
died on Sunday in her 87th
For about 30 years, Mrs.
Lehmann practised her pro-
fession as a nurse and con-
ducted a private hospital on
the corner of Wehl and
Helen Streets. She never
lost a baby and she was
probably at the birth of
1,000 of them.
She was always interested
in the world about her and
had a vivid memory all her
life. She often recalled early
day scenes, and remem-
bered walking over the
foundations of the Mount
Gambier Hospital.
Mrs. Lehmann was born
in Mount Gambier. She
lived in the Wimmera for a
number of years, and after
being burnt out twice, she
and her husband took up a
farm at Yahl.
Her husband, Mr. Adolph
Heinrich Lehmann, pre-
deceased her.
She had a large family,
and ten of her 12 children
are living. They are Mrs.
Elizabeth H. Ruwoldt, Mur-
ray Bridge; Mir. Louisa G.
M. Sangster, Adelaide; Mrs.
Elsie M. Huddleston, Ade-
laide; Mr. David K. Leh-
mann, Narracoorte; Mrs.
Ivy G. Bjorklund, Adelaide;
Mrs. Pearl J. Haig, Mount
Gambier; Mr. Victor M. B.
Lehmann, Adelaide; Mrs.
Olive M.Penfold, Cooran-
bon, N.S.W.; Mrs. Doreen
M. Fotheringham, Bunda-
berg, Queensland; and Mr.
Frederick F. Lehmann,
Mount Gambier. Two child-
ren, Harry and Nellie, are
The late Mrs. Lehmann's
father, Mr. Boothey, was an
engineer with the Commer-
cial Flour and Oatmeal Mill-
ing Co. Ltd.
Her brothers, Messrs.
Albert, of Melbourne, and
Bert, of Stawell, visited her
at Christmas.
Mrs. Lehmann was a
member of the Methodist
Church and the Rev. B. H.
Phillips conducted, the fun-
eral service at the Mount
Gambier Cemetery on Tues-
day morning.