Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA) Wednesday 16 June 1909
Mrs. E. M. Thomson.-The obituary
column of the " Border Watch" last Satur-
day contained an announcement of the
death of Mrs. Emma Maria Thomson, relict
of the late B. Thomson, which occurred at
the residence of her eldest son Thomas,
"Highland Home," Attamurra, on the 3rd
inst. The deceased had attained the good
old age of 84 years, and her death was
mainly due to senile decline. She was in
her usual fair health till about two years
ago, but was an invalid for a year and a
half. The deceased was, prior to her
marriage, Miss Emma Maria Hornsby, a
daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Hornsby,
of Wandsworth, Surrey, England, where
she was born in 1824. She came to South
Australia in the ship Diadem in the latter
part of 1840. This ship, it may be men-
tioned, was the first ship to come up to
the new port. In 1842 she was married to
the late Mr. Robert Thomson, at Adelaide.
In 1860, eighteen years afterwards, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomson and their family came to
Mount Gambier, and settled on a farm at
Attamurra. There Mr. Thomson resided
till he died, and afterwards Mrs. Thomson
till her decease. She was very much res-
pected by all who knew her. She leaves a
family of three sons--Messrs. T. and W. H.
Thomson, of Attamurra, and J. Thomson,
of Moorak--and two daughters--Mrs. G.
E. Kinmonth, and Mrs. Peter Sutherland,
of Millicent. She also leaves many grand-