Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSEMMLER, Gustav Adolph 
Birth28 Sep 1870, South Rhine, SA25533
Gilgandra Weekly (NSW : 1942 - 1955) Thu 28 Oct 1943
25535 MR. G. A. SEMMLER
Ailing' for the past six months
the death occurred at his home
"Kiowa," Bearbong, at 8 a.m.
on Wednesday of Gustav AdolphSemmler at the age of 73 years.The deceased was born at Springton, South Australia, and tookup land in the Temora districtin 1900 and purchased the pre-sent property from Harry Roachin 1908 where he has residedever since. In 1897 he marriedMiss Lydia Klinge at. Wadonga,Victoria, and reared the. follow-ing family: Edwin, Rayford(deceased), Desmond, Geoff(A.I.F.), Ronald and Mrs, G.Rouse.There was no more kindly manin the district than the late G.A. Semmlcr. His word was hisbond and he performed untoldacts of charity without any in-dication of his generosity. Visit-ors were always welccme to"Kiewa," and he and his goodwife delighted in entertainingfriends with the best that wasoffering. And one always cameaway impressed with his sincer-ity. Coming to this district whenwheat farming was in its earlystage, the late Mr. Semmlershowed how farming should bocarried out and he was generallyrecognised as one of our mostsuccessful farmers. He took anactive interest in public affairs,particularly farmers' organisa-tions and was a tower of strengthto the old F. and S. Associationand later the P. and A. Associ-ation.His passing leaves a gap inthe farming community thatwil! be generally regretted.The funeral will take place;this afternoon, following a ser-vice at the Lutheran Church at3 o'clock. Mr. A. H. Ross willhave charge of arrangements.
Birth26 Sep 1873, Wodonga, Vic25531