Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954) Tuesday 23 August 1949
71997Death Of Mr. Hubert
J. Oelmaim
.Mr. Hubert John
Oelmann, of
196 Ryan Street, a resident of
Broken Hill for over 30 years, died
at the Hospital early this morning.
Oelmann was born at Ade-
laide 75 years ago. He had been
employed at the Zinc Corporation
as an assayer until 17 years ago
when he went on pension. He
leaves a widow, one son (Mr.
Francis Herbert
Oelmann) and one
daughter (Mrs. S. G. Johns). He
was a member of the Old Age and
Invalid Pensioners' Association.
The funeral will take place tomor-
row, leaving. Fred J. Potter and
Son's funeral parlor at 3. p.m. for
thc Church of England Cemetery.