Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thursday 5 February 1931
82177MR. L. W. F. ORTLOFF
Mrs. Louisa W. .F. Ortloff, who died
at Tailem Bend recently, was born at
Verdun (formerly Grunthal), where she
lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Nagel until seven years of age, when
the family moyed to East Moonta.
There 50 years ago she married Mr.
Ortloff. Then the couple went to
Moorlands, but had been residing in
Tailem Bend for the past two years.
She had twelve children, seven of whom
survive. The sons are Messrs. John,
Victor, and Len Ortloff {Moorlands) ,
and C. E. Ortloff -(Renmark), and Mes
dames B. Mathews (Adelaide), D. Her
bert (Moorlands), and Miss B. Ortloff
(Tailem Bend).