Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Friday 11 July 1919
Mr. James Flett, manager of the
Mount Gambier Cheese & Butter Fac-
tory, died yesterday morning, after a
few days' illness, from pneumonia. He
was a son of Mrs. Flett, of Attaraurra,
and the late Mr. J. L. Flett, and was
44 years of age. He was for a good
many years manager of the factory,
and during the whole time he had
charge proved an excellent manager.
His death will be a serious loss to the
Company. Mr. Flett was married to
Miss Evelyn Sturges, of Sutton Town,
who is now left a widow with one child.
At a meetings of the directors of the
Company yesterday afternoon a vote
of sympathy with her was passed, and
a minute was recorded regretting his
death and stating that the deceased
was a first-class manager, and that
they were well satisfied with his ser-
vices. The funeral was held this after-
noon. The Rev. Jas. Cully, B.A., of-
ficiated at the graveside. Mr. W.
Pearce was funeral director.