Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thursday 25 July 1929
Mrs. Susan French, who died on July
2 at the residence of her daughter, Mrs.
W. Hooper, Lane-street, North Rich-
mond, was in her 85th year. She was
born in Bristol, and arrived in
Adelaide in 1863 by the Northumber-
land. On November 1, 1866, she
married Mr. John French, youngest
son of Mr. Isaac French, of Sheaoak
Log, where they lived for several years,
afterwards going to Crystal Brook. When
the northern districts were opened, Mr.
and Mrs. French went to Arden Vale,
where they fanned until 1886, removing
shortly afterwards to Willochra Plains.
Mr. French met his death in 1913 as
the result of an accident. Mrs. French
then went to Quorn and opened a nurs-
ing home, which she conducted for a
number of years. Recently Mrs.
French had resided with her sons and
daughters. She was buried at Quorn.