Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thursday 25 April 1935
93314Mr. R. Duffield
Mr. Richard Duffield, 86, who died
at his home near Yacka on March 24,
was born at Kellen, Norfolk, and came
to Australia on a sailing ship when 14.
With his parents he went to reside at
Mount Barker and worked at various
places in the neighborhood. Sixty-two
years ago with his father and brother
he went to the Koolunga district and
settled on the selection where he re-
mained till the end of his life, being
one of the first to settle in that district.
In 1879 he married Miss Sarah Little
in the Koolunga Methodist Church.
The state of the district at that time
called for strenuous toil by both hus-
band and wife. A family of eleven,
five sons (two of whom served in the
Great War) and four daughters survive.
Although a great deal of sickness was
experienced by the family in days
when doctors were distant, Mr. Duf-
field was hale and hearty almost to the