Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameFORRESTER, Catherine 
Death17 Aug 1913, Loxton, SA99359 Age: 72
Residence1913, Kingston On Murray, SA99361 Age: 72
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 30 Aug 191399361
MERRITT. —On the 17th August, at LoxtonHospital, Catherine Merritt, of Kingston-on-Mur-ray, relict of the late John Merritt, of Mannum."Angels beckon me to the land o' the leal."
Marriage8 Nov 1859, Residence Of Mrs Agnes Lane, Mount Torrens, SA3878,99360
Birth26 Aug 1874, Warooka, SA99362
Death1915, Emerald, Vic99363 Age: 40
Marriage5 Jul 1894, Registry Office, Adelaide, SA99364