Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHAMS, Sidney Ackland 
Birth26 Aug 1874, Warooka, SA99362
Death1915, Emerald, Vic99363 Age: 40
Bunbury Herald (WA : 1892 - 1919) Sat 14 Dec 189599368
INTERESTING ROMANCE IN.VICTORIA.[By Telegraph.](From Our Correspondent.).Melbourne, Friday.
At the Ballarat Supreme Court,Sidney, Ackland Hams, aged 21, hasbeen sentenced to nine months hardlabor for having criminally assaulted his step-daughter, aged 17The evidence disclosed an interesting romance. It appears that.theaccused was at one time employed bya widow named Merritt, aged fifty,who is the mother of the girl, Hemarried Mrs. Merritt and afterwardsat the latter's suggestion eloped withher daughter, and they have sincelived together as man and wife.
Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954) Sun 15 Dec 189599369
A BOLD STEPFATHER.Slopes With Ris Wife'sDaughter.A remarkable romance, which unfortunately ended in nine months' imprisonmentfor the hero, comes from Ballarat. SydneyAckland Hams, a lovely young man of 21,
went into the employ of a local widownamed Merret. He forgot the time-honoredwarning, Beware of Widows, so when shefixed her eye and her affections upon him,and asked bim to be her's, he meekly consented, and the marriage ceremony washurried on by the wily widow, and ' Merret 'was exchanged for * Hams.* But the widowwas the mother of the alluring Lily Maud,and Sydney Ackland quite forgot he washitched to her mother, and made love to themaid. She was sweet seventeen, and knewnot how to resist his overtures for elopementThe young couple disappeared, and lived asman' and wife until interrupted by a warrant. The Circuit Judge sent him to gaolfor nine months.
Death17 Aug 1913, Loxton, SA99359 Age: 72
Marriage5 Jul 1894, Registry Office, Adelaide, SA99364
Birth7 Oct 1879, Mannum, SA99370
Death30 Jun 1952, Renmark, SA99371 Age: 72