Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCORBELL, Mary 
Birth28 Jun 1858, Creep Mouse Gully, SA100866
Death8 Oct 1938, Hundred Of Naracoorte, SA100867,100868 Age: 80
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 20 Oct 1938
100868 Mrs. M. Brighton
Mrs. Mary Brighton, widow of Mr.
George Brighton, who died at Nara-
coorte on October 8, aged 80 years
lived in the district for ha
lf a century.A daughter of the late Mr and MrsJohn Corbell, of Port MacDonnell, shewas born at Creep Mouse Gully, in theMount Barker district. For a timeshe lived at Cherry Gardens, and wentwith her parents to Port MacDonnellat the age of 10 years. In 1877 shewas married to Mr. George Brighton—the first marriage in the -AllendaleChurch. They came to Naracoorteover 50 years ago, and Mr. Brightondied -a few years ago, There is afamily of 10— seven daughters andthree sons- They are:— Flora May(Mrs. G. Munn, Goodwood), Carrie(Mrs W. J. Simpson, Naracoorte),Ethel (Mrs. G. Gillies, Murray Bridge),Bessie (Mrs. V. G. Hansen Goodwood), Bertha (Mrs. C. R. Butler,Naracoorte), Beatrice (Mrs. S. J. Len-nard, Naracoorte), Gertie (Mrs. N.Bandinette, Coleraine Vic), Messrs.G. Brighton (Echuca, Vic). Percy andWilliam (Naracoorte). There are 60grandchildren and 31 greatgrandchildren.
Birth30 May 1851, Prospect, SA59987
Burial4 Mar 1936, Naracoorte, SA100869
Marriage4 Jun 1877, Presbyterian Church, Allendale East, SA100871