Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHOLTZE, Maurice William 
Birth8 Jul 1840, Hanover, Germany118409
News (Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1954) Sat 13 Oct 1923118410
DR. HOLTZE DEADVeteran ScientistWORK AT MYLORMr. Maurice William Holtze, I.S.O.,Ph.D.. F.L.S. (Director of the AdelaideBotanic Garden from June, 1891, untilhis retirement six years ago), died lastnight at Kangaroo Island. He succeededthe late Dr. R. Schomburgk.Born in Hanover. Germany, on July,8, 1840. the late Dr. Holtze was a sonof the Chief Inspector of Orphan Houses'there. He was educated at the Hilde-sheim and Osnahruck Gymnasium andTechnical Commercial High School, andstudied botany under Professor Lennis,and horticulture at the Royal Gardensof Hanover and Imperial Gardens at St.Petersburg.Dr. Holtze arrived in Australia inSeptember, 1872, and was for 18 yearsCurator at the Botanic Garden at PortDarwin, before his appointment to Ade-laide Garden. In June. 1913, he wascreated a member of the Imperial Ser-vice Order.The late Dr. Holtze had been livingat American River. Kangaroo Island,with his only daughter (Mrs. C. W.Hughes) since his retirement from thedirectorate of the Garden. He passedhis eighty-third birthday, and his greatage and his failing vigor were no doubtthe cause of his death.GREAT PERSONAL FRIEND.Dr. Angas Johnson, one of the Boardof Governors of the Botanic Garden, wasan intimate personal friend, and had agreat regard for this fine old botanist.Every week Dr. Johnson was in corre-spondence with Dr. Holtze. whosedegree was that of Doctor of Philologie,which corresponds to our Doctor ofScience. On September 1 a letter fromMrs. Hughes was received by Dr. John-son to the effect that the failing energiesof the late scientist prevented his usualweekiy letter being written.On September 7 a present of desirablecomforts was forwarded by Dr. John-son, and in reply he received a gratefulletter of thanks from Dr. Holtze underhis own hand. This was one of thelast letters he wrote. On Sunday, Octo-ber 7, the last letter to Dr. Johnson waswritten. In it the late Dr. Holtzestated that owing to the inclemency ofthe weather he had taken to his bed,concluding with the words, "Well, wemust hope to see you soon, bringingbright sunshine. With best love fromall to all."LOVED AND HONORED.Dr. Holtze was loved and honored bya large circle of friends through-out the State. He was a wonderful or-ganiser and a great gatherer of botani-cal collections for the gardens. He or-ganised the Mylor Type Orchard, one ofthe Government experimental plots. Forthis purpose he secured the worst avail-able land. Here he gathered from allparts of the world as complete a collec-tion of fruit trees in duplicate as couldbe found anywhere. His idea was thatCables continued on inside pageswhen people settled they would havebetter land than the Mylor plot. Per-haps they would want to grow a certainvariety of apples, of which there are noless than 1,500 different named sorts atMylor. Then when any orchardist wan-ted a specimen he could go to Mylor, seethe apple, taste it, and get either graftsor buds.In addition there are 1,100 varieties ofpears. 60 of persimmons. and a great va-riety of many other fruits.WORK CARRIED ON.Mr. Bailey, the succesor in the direc-torate of the Botanical Garden, is car-rying on the good work, and he has anexcellent practical overseer (Mr. Til-lings), who was trained by Dr. Holtze.Following the terrible drought of 1914the type orchard of Mylor sent a collec-tion of pears and apples to Tasmaniaas competitors in the show thereagainst all Australia. South Australiawon the honors in both classes.The last resting place of Dr. Holtzwill be in the Penneshaw Cemetery, atHog Bay, Kangaroo Island, not farfrom the historic spot where Baudin,the French navigator, marked a rock in1803. This rock is now In the AdelaideMuseum and a faithful cast of it marksthe spot.Dr Holtze has left a widow, a daugh-ter (Mrs. Hughes), and two sons (Mr.Vadirnar Holtze, in charge of the tele-graph department at Daly Waters, andMr. Alexis Holtze, of Victoria).