Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePICK, James 
Immigration1852959 Age: 16
Memoto Victoria
Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Sat 22 Dec 1906123325
OBITUARY.MR. JAS. PICK.-Mr. James Pick, J.P., ofSummer Hill, Hd. of Caroline, died earlyyesterday morning at his residence. His deathwas not unexpected. For eight or nine monthsMr. Pick suffered from diabetes, whichbrought with it heart weakness and othercomplaints, so his death was merely a matterof a short time. For the last five or six weekshe had been gradually becoming worse, andfor the last fortnight or more his death wouldnot have surprised his friends if it had occurredany day. He passed away peacefully about 2o'clock yesterday morning. The late Mr. Pickwas born in Islington, London, on December18, 1835, and was, therefore, 71 years of age. Asa youth of 17 he came with his parents toVictoria in 1852, and was thus a colonist of 54years. All Australia of that day went off tothe newly discovered diggings at Bendigo andelsewhere in Victoria, and Mr. Pickwent there also. He spent 18 monthstoiling on the field, but his luck was not atflood, and he did not make much out of it.When he relinquished digging he took a situa-tion as slaughterman in a butchering bueinessthere. A few years afterwards he engaged instock droving for the la!e Mr. J. Malden. Hisfirst visit to the South-East was with a mob ofcattle that he drove from the Upper Murray.He travelled thence first to Ballarat and thento the South Avenue. In the following yearshe made many trips with fat stock from theouth-East to the Melbourne market, and alsoto Adelaide. Mr. Pick was a capital racon-teur. He had a good memory, and in hisvaried experience as a stock drover he saw andheard many, remarkable as well as humorousincidents which in after years he was want torelate in his own original and striking manner.In fact, he was full of South-Eastern pioneer-ing anecdotes which it is to be feared are nowfor ever lost. Over 40 years ago Mr.Pick became head stockman for Messrs.Leake, at Glencoe, and was known asone of the best riders in the South East. Ashead stockman he had charge of the large mobsof cattle and horses that were sent to market.In those days there were very few fences be-tween Mount Gambier and Melbourne, andthe forests were dense, and all stock had to bewatched at night. The trips were not freefrom danger and were full of toil. On March 5,1868, while at Glencoe, Mr. Pick married MissFanny Margaret Read. Some three yearsafterwards he started farming on his own ac-count at the Springs, about 10 milesfrom the town, but a few years laterhe entered into partnership as a grazier withthe late Mr. Thos. Vause, and went to the Hd.of Caroline, where he continued to reside for therest of his life. Mr. Pick was a carefulreader, a keen observer, and an intelligent andgood business man in his farming and grazingoperations, and everything else he enteral into.He was a member of the Mount GambierAgricultural and Horticultural Society forover 30 years, and was for severalyears President of the Society. His lastterm as President was in 1903. He wasalso a member of the Agricultural Bureau, MountGambier Branch, from its beginning till aboutthree years ago, when he resigned. He wasalmost continuously a member of the PortMacDonnell District Council from 1888 till hisdeath, and was again and again its Chairman.In 1896 and 1899 Mr, Pick tried for a seat inthe House of Assembly as a representative forthis district but failed. The farmers and pro-ducers were not organised then as they are nowunder his strong guiding hand. In 1904 hetook a leading part in the formation of theFarmers' and Producers' Political Union, tra-velling from town to town for organisation pur-poses, and sparing neither strength nor purse inthe effort. He may be regarded indeed as theapostle of the Union, for he not only started theSouyh Eastern Union on its way, but was themeans of starting several of the branches in theother parts of the state. He was the firstPresident of the Union, and only relinquishedthe position a few months ago because of fail-ing health. His closing days were cheered bythe success of the Union candidates for theFederal Parliament. By his organisation of thefarmers he accomplished a great work,and one that most people thought impossibletill he really did it. His strong hand and wisecounsels will be missed in the management ofthe Union. Mr. Pick leaves a familyof four -- three sons and a daughter andabout 20 grandchildren. His sons are MessrsHenry and James Pick, of Mount Gambier,and Mr. John E. Pick, of Terowie, and hisdaughter Mrs. F. X. Martin, of Port Pirie.The funeral arrangements are entreated to Mr.H. R. Jobling, of Mount Gambier, and thefuneral is fixed for this afternoon. The cortegewill leave Summer Hill at 12 .30, and is ex-pected to reach the Mount Gambier cemetery
at 4 p.m.
Birthca 1835, Ireland6240
Death28 Mar 1904, Caroline, SA6240 Age: 69
Marriage5 Mar 1863, Roman Catholic Presbytery. Mount Gambier, SA123326
ChildrenHenry (1865-1943)