Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameZIMMERLI, Albert 
Birthca 1854, Oftringen, Switzerland124877
Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954) Thu 28 May 1942124877
ObituaryThe Late Mr. AlbertZimmerliTHE death occurred at a privatehospital in Coonabarabranon Wednesday, 20th May, of Mr.Albert Zimmerli, a well-known iden-tity of the Binnaway and Dunedoodistricts. Deceased, who was 88years of age, had been ailing forsome time and had been an inmateof the hospital for the past fourmonths. A native of Switzerland,the late Mr. Zimmerli was born atthe town of Oftringen, in thatcountry, in the year 1854. He waseducated at the public and highschools at Oftringen, and at anearly age began his career as abobbin maker. Between schooltime he assisted his father as awheelwright, and was later appren-ticed to the blacksmith trade. Dur-ing the period, 1874 to 1884, hetravelled through Switzerland andthe south of France, working athis trade at various coach factories.He came to Australia in 1884 andcommenced business at Tugiong,near Gundagai, in the same yearas blacksmith and wheelwright. Hebecame interested in the land andselected a block in 1891, which wasportion of the old "Lemora" Station.In 1895 he took up a second selec-tion, and from then on purchasedproperties for investment. He atone time owned the well-knownDigilah Station at Dunedoo, andalso La Mascotte Station. Duringrecent years he sold up all hisproperties and went to Binnaway toreside.He is survived by one daughter,Mrs. Dovatt, of Temora, and threesons, Walter (Binnaway), and Fredand Jack, of Colinroobie. Onedaughter, Mrs. Powell, pre-deceasedhim in 1938. His son, Fred, servedin the Great War, in the MachineGun Section.The funeral took place to theChurch of England portion of theCoonabarabran Cemetery. The fu-neral arrangements were in thehands of Mr. Harper, of Coonabara-
Birthca 1855
Death1934, Temora, NSW124879 Age: 79
Marriage1887, Sydney, NSW124880