Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameZIMMERLI, Robert Frederick 
The Murrumbidgee Irrigator (Leeton, NSW : 1915 - 1954) Tue 24 Apr 1951 124884
OBITUARYMr. Frederick ZimmerliThe death occurred suddenly onApril 7, of Mr. Frederick Zimmerli, ofWallangra Park, Jingellic, at the ageof 54. He was a natice of Temora andin the year 1911, went to Colinroobiewith his parents. He served In WorldWar 1 as a member of the 14th battalion and then took up a soldier settlement block at Colinroobie, where heresided until 1946. He took an activepart with the V.D.C. while at Colin-roobie. He then left the district toreside at Wallangra Park, Jlngellic,where he took up grazing pursuits andresided there until his death. On theday of his death, Mr. Zimmerli setalight to some fern to clear up a rabbit harbour on his property when thefire got out of control. With the aidof some neighbours Mr. Zimmerli gotthe fire under control.. Later it brokeout again. In the meantime Mr. Zim-merli suffered a heatt attack anddied in the paddock. There weredoubts in the minds of some as towhether Mr. Zimmerli had. been burntby the fire, but there is no foundationfor them.The late Mr. Zimmerli Is survivedby his wife and three children, Al-bert, Marjorie and Edna, also twobrothers and a sister, Jack, Walterand Pauline. Jack lives at Leeton,Walter at Binnaway, and Pauline atTemora. The funeral took place fromthe shire hall, Holbrook, at 4 p.m. onApril 9th.
Birthca 1890
Death1977 Age: 87