Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameWELCH, Henry Boucher 
Birth10 Jun 1849, Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire5680
Immigration1853, ‘Belmont’ Age: 3
Victor Harbour Times (SA : 1932 - 1986) Fri 10 Feb 1939124095
OBITUARY.The late Mr. Henry BoucherWelch died at his residence,Hindmarsh Valley, on Tuesdaylast at the age of 89 years. He wasthe eldest son of the late Mr.Boucher Welch and the familyhave resided at Hindmarsh Valleyfor a very lengthy period. At theage of 22 years Mr. Welch left thisdistrict, and carried on farmingoperations and stock raisingextensively in the north, his housebeing near to Port Pirie. Later Mr.Welch returned to the south andsettled at Hindmarsh Valley. Heidentified himself with many move-ments for the benefit of the south.He was one of the chief advocatesfor the construction of the EncounterBay reservoir and water works;he had seen the immense value ofBeetaloo in the North.Mr. Welch was associated withthe Port Elliot branch of theAgricultural Bureau and theSouthern Agricultural Socity. Hewas a member of the DistrictCouncil of Encounter Bay for 10years, eight of which he served aschairman. He was a liberalsupporter of many movements inVictor Harhour for the welfare andbeautification of the town.
Birth21 Jan 1856, Balaklava, SA5680
Death1 Apr 18855680 Age: 29
Death16 Dec 1952, Victor Harbor, SA125500,5680 Age: 85