Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHENTSCHKE, Johann Christian 
Birth13 Aug 1851, SA15736
Memoage 73
BurialZion Lutheran Cemetery, Upper Bright, SA15737
The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929) Wed 20 Aug 192415738
Mr. Johann Christian Henschke, whodied recently, was a well-known residentof Burra and district. He was 73 yearsof age, having been born, at Tanunda in1851. As a young man he took up laudat Brinkworth, then known as CondowiePlains, and in 1875 married Miss M. E.Behrens, of Tanunda, who died in 1917.In 1880 the couple moved to Tothill'sCreek, and later to- Bright, where Mr.Henschke remained until he retired in1909. He then went to Aberdeen, Burra.While at Bright he took keen interest indistrict matters and .was a Councillor fortbe Bright and Waterloo District Councils.Four children survive. They are Messrs.Edward Henschke (Lameroo), JohannHenschke (.Jamestown), ChristianHenschke (Bright), and Mrs. W. BahrYerong Creek, N.S.W.). There are 20grandchildren.
Death29 Nov 1917, Jamestown, SA15738,15739 Age: 60
Marriage18 Feb 1876, Schoenborn, SA869,15740