Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKUBEL, Samuel Dienegott 
Immigration22 Sep 1865, ‘Iserbrook’6623 Age: 29
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Fri 5 Feb 192617299
OBITUARY.The death occurred recently of Mr.Samuel Kubel an old resident and pioneerof Point Pass. Mr. Kubel was born inPosen, Prussia on July 13, 1836, and ar-rived in Sottth Australia when only a fewmonths old. After spending some yearsat Light's Pass, he moved into the PointPass district, and in 1872 married MissJohanne Julian Schulz. When about 42years of age he took up land at Bundey,where he and his wife resided until 1907,when he retired from active work. Mr.Kubel leaves one son aad five daughters.there are 39 grandchildren.
Birth29 Sep 1848, Prussia10733
Immigration25 Aug 1859, ‘Alfred’2844 Age: 10