Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSEIBOTH, Johanna Elisabeth
Burial23 Jun 1848, Holy Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Rowland Flat, SA19040,19044
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 8 Jul 1948
OBITUARYMRS SCHWARTZKOPFFMrs Elisabeth Johanna Schwartz-kopff, 78, of Tanunda, who died onJune 22, was fifth daughter of thelate Mr and Mrs C. G. Seiboth, ofFlaxmans Valley, where she wasborn on Nov. 18, 1869. She wasconfirmed hy Pastor Ruediger andon Dec. 2, 1897, she and Mr Aug-ust F. F. Schwartzkopff were mar-ried in St. Stephens, Adelaide. Thecouple lived for 10 years in Ade-laide and later at Rowlands Flat,where Rev. R. Held ministered atthe funeral on June 23. Bearerswere Messrs A. Bosenherg, F.Gramp, B. Kleemann. G. Haese, W.and G. Obst. Left with the hus-band is a son, Mr W Schwartz-kopff, of Penrice; and three daugh-ters: Mrs A. Boehm and Mrs J.Phelps, both Riverton; and Miss K.Schwartzkopff, Tanunda. A bro-ther and sister also remain.
BurialHoly Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Rowand Flat, SA19047