The Register (Adelaide, SA) Wednesday 23 November 1927
OBITUARY.Mr. Johann Gottlieb Schutz, an old
colonist, who resided at Point Pass, died
on Friday at the age of 90 years. A
native of Janny, near Gruenber, Lower
Silesia, the late Mr Schutz was 18 years
of age when he came to the State with
his parents.. They lived near Eden Val-
ley, where the son was married to Miss
Johanne Julianna Stephen in 1883, and six
years later they removed to Point Pass.
Mr. Schutz was a lay reader, elder, and
trustee of the Immanuel Church there,
religious' service having first been held in
his home. He lelped to build the church
and school. Six sons — Messrs. J. W.
(Hampden), J. A. (Kaptmda), F. E.
(Nott's Well), H. R., J. K., and J. J.
(Point Pass)— and a daughter, Mrs. G. H
Schild (Point Pass) survive. There, are
also 39 grandchildren and 32 greatgrand-