Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePIETSCH, Paul Johannes 
Birth15 May 1870, Blumberg, SA21534
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Fri 6 Mar 1936
21535 Last Friday the. death occurred of a
well-known resident of: the Kewell dis-trict in Mr. Paul Johannes Pietsch.Deceased. who was aged 65,years, wasborn at Birdwood, S.A. In the year1892 deceased and his brother, Mr. M.A. Pietsch, of Dimboola, came to Vic-toria and took up land at Kewell,where he resided until his death. In1894 he,wss married to Miss Anna E.Zadow, of Palmer, S.A. (who surviveshim). He was one of the originalmembers of the Kewell Lutheran con-gregation and a devout member untilhis death. He was also one of thefounders of the Kewell private school,holding office in this circle for manyyears. Last Friday afternoon he re-turned with his daughter and son-in-law (Mr. and Mrs. W. Schneider) froma three weeks' holiday at the seasideand acquaintances in the Western dis-trict seemingly in the best of healthand spirits, but the unexpected hap-pened about 10 minutes after his re-tirement to bed, when he suddenlypassed away. He leaves a widow andnine children, all of whom are living,as follow: Otto P. Pietsch (Kewell),Ruby (Mrs. H. G. Schultz, Coromby),Rev. Edwin J. Pietsch (Queensland),Erma (Mrs. W. Schneider, Ailsa),Freda: (Mrs. J. Priebbinow, Q'land.),Olga (Mrs O. Schwarz, Katyil); Har-old A ,Pietsch (Kewell): Doris (Rev.Mrs. Koch, Queensland); Louis A. .Pietsch (Kewell). Deceased also leavestwo brothers and three sisters livingand 20 grandclildren; while two bro-thers and one sister predeceased him.Deep sympathy has been extended tothe bereaved. The funeral took placeon Sunday afternoon, Pastor Mattiskeofficiating at the homestead, assistedby the Rev. J. Darsow at the graveside.
Birth29 Aug 1873, Palmer, SA4160
Marriage2 Apr 1894, Palmer, SA4160