Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMENZ, Peter Friedrich 
Immigration8 Aug 1854, ‘Wandrahm'27278,675 Age: 8
Burial15 May 1899, Lone Grave, The Rock, NSW27283
The Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922) Tue 23 May 1899
27286 ME
NZ.—On the 13th May, at Uranquinty, NewSouth Wales, Peter Friedrich Menz, after a longillness. aged 53 years, leaving a sorrowing widowand six children. The burial took place on the15th May, the Rev. E. Bemmann officiating. Toal those numerous friends who attended thefuneral our sincere thanks.—Karolena Menz, Uran-guinty, New South Wales.—May 22, 1899.
Memo30 Aug 1954
BurialLone Grave, The Rock, NSW27280