Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameFRANCIS, William Hanchett 
Birth1865, Pitfield, Vic23170
Death6 May 1932, Hamilton, Vic23171 Age: 67
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 10 May 1932
In a motor car accident about 7 p.m.
on Friday William H. Francis, about
65 years, farmer, of Y
ulecart, was kill-ed instantaneously. His wife, who waswith him, was severely shaken. Fran-cis was going home from Hamiltonalong Digby road, and when at VioletCreek bridge met a motor truck drivenby John B. Edwards, farmer of Mor-ven. Apparently Francis misjudgedthe distance, Edwards pulled to hisleft, but Francis' car struck the para-pet of the bridge and overturned.Francis' son, Norman, died on 22ndApril last year as a result of a motorcar smash at Ararat on Good Fridaymorning. Francis. who was well re-spected, was a member of the councilof Hamilton Pastoral and AgriculturalSociety.
Death13 Feb 1924, Hochkirch, Vic23169 Age: 59
ChildrenAgnes (1890-1954)