Albury Banner and Wodonga Express (NSW : 1896 - 1938) Friday 23 November 1917
32833Obituary. — The death occurred, early on
Wednesday morning, in a private hospital
at Albury, of a very old resident of the
Burrumbuttock district, Mr. Johann M.
Greschke, of Fiveview Estate. The de-
ceased had been in ill health for over two
years, and had been five weeks under treat-
ment in Albury. The late Mr. Greschke
was a native of Germany, but came to
Australia as a boy, and settled in South
Australia, taking up land at Burrumbut-
tock about 40 years ago. He steadily ad-
ded to his possessions until he owned 2000
acres of farming land, which, however, was
recently subdivided. He was twice mar-
ried. His first wife died about 32 years
ago, but his second wive survives. He
leaves a family of four sons and five daugh-
ters, viz., Mr. Hermann Greschke, Bur-
rumbuttock ; Mr. Heinrich Greschke, Wal-
la Walla; Mr. Ernst Greschke, of Wal-
bundrie-road ; and Mr Reinhold Greschke,
who has been for some time in Queens-
land; also Mrs. Peter Stewart, Walla Wal-
la; Mrs. Nolte, Leeton; Mrs. Fred. Fietz,
Walla Walla ; Mrs. Otto Fietz. Walla Wal-
la; and Mrs. L. Geier, of Balldale. The
deceased was a mast industrious man and
a prosperous fanner. He took an interest
in the work of the Farmers and Settlers'
Association, but otherwise took very little
part in public matters. The funeral took
place at Burrumbuttock yesterday after
noon, the arrangements being in the hands
of Messrs. Frew and Logan.